Watch JD Vance’s Reaction When Bishop Insults Him & Trump to His Face



She did Trump a favour. She reminded people why they voted for him.

Activist masquerading as a bishop, plain and simple!


  1. She asked the president to have mercy on the gay, the lesbians, and those go to church or to mosques. From what I’ve read, one group is violently opposed the group she first mentioned. I am talking about Muslims who throw gays off their roofs to their deaths.

    Total demon possessed freak “masquerading” or trying to act as a sane rational human being!

  3. She should not be in the pulpit, Scripture says; “Romans 1:26-27 For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.…

  4. Coming here illegally IS a crime so they ARE criminals, duh. This country had become “progressively” worse since the Obama’s fomented racism and division.

  5. Roland, I agree. Coming in here illegally is a crime. These perps should be expelled immediately. No ifs ands or buts. No fraudulent claims for asylum. These invaders aren’t “immigrants”. They’re illegal aliens.

  6. That’s she? It looks like a trans, begging for itself. How can a church go so far off the rails? I would never attend or support a church who give the OK to tail gunning, carpet work, or going after kids, raping women and allowing trash to invade America. She is the product of the freedom “It ” is abusing… I hope some Venezuelan gets a hold of it and gives it a lesson in the two sexes.

    • It’s the National Cathedral.

      They ALL seem to be off the rails, there.

      Sucks, it’s a beautiful Home of God…….but the blue elitist moneychangers need eviction.

  7. Pure Demob mentality, communist Dem on the way out, fighting each other, hope no one get shot or lost an arm or leg during their fight [ what a violent group ], she should just follow them out or the church will empty now one

  8. Bishop Twit: did you and yours have mercy on us during the O’Biden reign of terror, while he inflicted the likes of you upon us, with all your favored perversities ???

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