Soldier STRANGLES Active Shooter!



Anyone released after a murder needs to be under house arrest…in the judge’s house.

I appreciate it when you call out the judges that are letting these violent offenders loose on society. People should know who to hold accountable


  1. The one answer to all of these idiots who commit crimes like this? From car jacking to shoplifting, to assault, to “Lesser-so-called offenses” Amputation…. If they steal, lose a hand/arm, if they repeat, take the other one. If they are continuously reoffending, then take a lower leg/foot, then the other. A third base can’t continue to be a problem… Let their family deal with them. Give then a wheel chair. It costs less than court , years of housing, feeding, medical care. Make their lives the living hell they bring to us.

  2. Wait, an unarmed civilian kills an armed psycho who is threatening and harming a bunch of innocent bystanders. If that happens in New York City, he gets locked up, charged with murder, DOS’ed to every crazy who wants to kill him for having interceded, and generally persecuted. In Seattle? Well, I guess we’ll see. My bet is that the cucks who run that city will turn on the good Samaritan just like NYC did to Daniel Penney.

  3. I left my home of 20 years in Seattle for EXACTLY this kind of BS, criminals having more rights than law abiding citizens.

    I hope the female judge finds herself alone with one of the killers she let go and they show her exactly why she is an idiot. I am a woman and I say bring back the death penalty in a big way and no pardons allowed for murderers. Bring back Hammurabi’s Code, an eye for any eye, a life for a life….common sense going back thousands of years.

  4. Yeah what they all just said. Another example of a Democratic hell hole, where lawlessness prevails…unbelievable. With judges like that whether the system voted them in or not, they should be thrown out without the system.

  5. RIDE ALONG WAS THE HERO. JUDGES ARE DOING A DISSERVICE TO THE NATION PERMITTING M-RDERS OUT OF JAIL TO M-RDER MORE. How would a judge who released a murderer on low bond like if it that judge was seriously hurt or murdered soon after by the person they released? I do not believe they would but they feel protected with perhaps body guards, fences, surveillance around them.

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