Pam Bondi DROPS HAMMER On WOKE Mayor Johnson After BLOCKING Deportations in Chicago!



Defund sanctuary cities

I’m done with “suing” I want ARRESTS!


  1. Why would you ‘receive’ gifts, but not ‘accept’ them? Sounds pretty stupid to me. Just politely reject the gifts in the first place. The citizens of Chicago should be able to inspect any building which their taxes are being used to purchase/rent. Every one of those demoncrat politicians, should do their next interview from prison.

  2. Newsflash for idiot Johnson; Chicagoans WANT the illegal freeloaders deported. They’re fed up with illegal freeloaders getting benefits that the citizens cannot get.

  3. Why did Chicagoans elect idiot Johnson for mayor? Well, I guess for the same reason NY City residents elected idiot Adams for mayor. Johnson is more clueless than his predecessor Lori Lighthead. Adams is more clueless than his predecessor Bill (the pill) de Blasio. From bad to worse. Dumb and dumber.

  4. What cartoon character is this turd trying to look like with his little pointy hair at the top of his head? Lock his ass up and give him a night or two with Bubba. OR, just pull ALL the police, DEA, ICE out of Chi-town and let ‘er rip. Let the filth, the trash burn that shit hole to the ground, riot, rob the stores, homes, shoot each other, rip his ass to shreds and then, like GAZA, come in with back hoes, steam shovels, and plow it under. Pour lye on it and let it simmer. Then there will be plenty of space in Ill. to funnel all the homeless trash into. Build a camp for them in “OLD Chicago” and let the USA fly them, like the migrants to one place, build a fence and post guards. Keep America safe again. Turn Chicago into the shit hole it wants to be.

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