Stake out a street corner for this btch…. Let her earn her way. Or put her on a plane to Syria. They’d love her there. Or Somalia… Kick her ass out of our country
I can understand a Mexican being proud of his/her Mexican heritage but actions like this show stupidity at its highest level.
1. If she is an illegal, send her back to the nation she obviously prefers and bar admission to the US under any circumstances or for any reason. Obviously hates America so why come here?
2. If she is a legal American why did she go through the effort to be an American when she clearly hates America? Makes no sense. Stupid.
3. So what would she do if “Mexicans” of Indian origin – there are millions of them – went to a place where the Mexican flag was flying and took it down and threw it in the mud,saying “We of pure Indian blood are the rulers of this land and not some foreign Spanish conquistadors from a European country”. I wonder if she knows that Mexico has their own form of conquest and Imperialism visited upon the original owners of the land of (now) Mexico.
I wonder if she knows dear old Santa Anna SOLD CA & the New Mexico territory which encompassed all or part of several other states to the US because he needed money to put down rebellions against him in Mexico. He also agreed the Rio Grande would be the border between US & Mexico–all this in a couple of treaties back in the mid 1800s. And, the Texans were encouraged to move in by the Spanish government before Mexico broke away from Spain because they were beneficial to have there in their eyes.
The article said she was an immigrant so deport her back to Mexico,it’ll be harder for her to come back illegally, she’ll get at the border, get caught, and will be sent back again and again, serves her right for being a pendeja!!!!
She’s certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer nor the brightest bulb on the chandelier. If she loves Mexico so much, she should go back to Mexico. Deport the bitch.
The Mexican education system has failed her. The police should have tossed her butt in the mud, then throw that fake flag in the mud with her. Soy boy needs to grow a pair, but that’s highly unlikely.
Why do you have so much hate for this action. maybe you should spsend some time fighting to get those killing with guns in our schools and on American streets put out of America. Just wondering what [ercent of real crimes (those put in Jails) are of a different color or really from another country ????
Hate is Hate so go somewhere else and share your hate there people.
These wetbacks and illegal aliens deserve our hate. In fact, they worked hard to EARN it. If they don’t like it here, they can deport themselves, before Tom Homan deports them. They can do it the easy way, or the hard way.
When I saw those invaders coming across our border with foreign flags, that had “INVASION” all over it! That’s when our troops should have opened up with automatic weapons and mortar fire.
there are so many Mexican here that it would be an invasion sending all back to their country. but at least we get rid of so many imbeciles, that would clear some big chunk of land. they are always saying Yankees’ go home, now it is our time, wetbacks go home.
Geez. Talk about diversity. We are all immigrants. My grandparents, too. Thinking back, well, trying to think back what it was like 200 years ago, we’ve come a long way, baby. My age, 84. When I look back on our history, our previous invaders of this continent, ******* over a lot of the locals, manifest destiny… The Indians, as they called them, were the inhabitants of the land. Our ancestors(mine was not one of them, immigrated 1900, the land was “conquered” and “civilized”), conquered the land. The Spanish did it first…1560 from what I learned. When the indigenous tribes Aztecs, where pro-created with Spanish blood, hence, Mexican. I don’t want to get into that…I’m not Spanish or Mexican, but the different ethnicity produced what is today Mexico. Mexico or Mexican is an ambiguous word.(don’t even want to go there or anywhere else for that matter. The planet is indigenous one place or another) As the world turns!!! We are all proud of our heritage, wherever we came from Where am I going with this? As the planet evolves, I guess. Who the hell knows? I’ll be oughta here in a number of years. Hopefully more than a few. I pity the many left.
I guess its just venting from what I have been reading. In closing, I have friends of different heritage. We all respect each other. (Future society get back to me and let me know how things turn out). Its a helluva world! I’m happy to have been brought up in a sheltered world.I’M DONE.
Take your Wetback Ass back to Mexico you FREELOADER POS
My sentiments exactly
Stake out a street corner for this btch…. Let her earn her way. Or put her on a plane to Syria. They’d love her there. Or Somalia… Kick her ass out of our country
I can understand a Mexican being proud of his/her Mexican heritage but actions like this show stupidity at its highest level.
1. If she is an illegal, send her back to the nation she obviously prefers and bar admission to the US under any circumstances or for any reason. Obviously hates America so why come here?
2. If she is a legal American why did she go through the effort to be an American when she clearly hates America? Makes no sense. Stupid.
3. So what would she do if “Mexicans” of Indian origin – there are millions of them – went to a place where the Mexican flag was flying and took it down and threw it in the mud,saying “We of pure Indian blood are the rulers of this land and not some foreign Spanish conquistadors from a European country”. I wonder if she knows that Mexico has their own form of conquest and Imperialism visited upon the original owners of the land of (now) Mexico.
I wonder if she knows dear old Santa Anna SOLD CA & the New Mexico territory which encompassed all or part of several other states to the US because he needed money to put down rebellions against him in Mexico. He also agreed the Rio Grande would be the border between US & Mexico–all this in a couple of treaties back in the mid 1800s. And, the Texans were encouraged to move in by the Spanish government before Mexico broke away from Spain because they were beneficial to have there in their eyes.
Hopefully after this, she got her @$$ deported. 😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂😜😂
That guy sounded more like a FAG than anything else. He should be more worried about his so-called Pride Flag.
The article said she was an immigrant so deport her back to Mexico,it’ll be harder for her to come back illegally, she’ll get at the border, get caught, and will be sent back again and again, serves her right for being a pendeja!!!!
She’s certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer nor the brightest bulb on the chandelier. If she loves Mexico so much, she should go back to Mexico. Deport the bitch.
She said “I’m Mexican”, grant her wish
The Mexican education system has failed her. The police should have tossed her butt in the mud, then throw that fake flag in the mud with her. Soy boy needs to grow a pair, but that’s highly unlikely.
Mexico has no functioning “systems”. It is a worthless hell hole to be avoided at all costs
Why do you have so much hate for this action. maybe you should spsend some time fighting to get those killing with guns in our schools and on American streets put out of America. Just wondering what [ercent of real crimes (those put in Jails) are of a different color or really from another country ????
Hate is Hate so go somewhere else and share your hate there people.
And Little Jerry is DUMBASS of the day.
Stay STUPID Little Jerry.
Learning to spell like a functioning human would be a good place for little Jerry to start
These wetbacks and illegal aliens deserve our hate. In fact, they worked hard to EARN it. If they don’t like it here, they can deport themselves, before Tom Homan deports them. They can do it the easy way, or the hard way.
When I saw those invaders coming across our border with foreign flags, that had “INVASION” all over it! That’s when our troops should have opened up with automatic weapons and mortar fire.
there are so many Mexican here that it would be an invasion sending all back to their country. but at least we get rid of so many imbeciles, that would clear some big chunk of land. they are always saying Yankees’ go home, now it is our time, wetbacks go home.
Geez. Talk about diversity. We are all immigrants. My grandparents, too. Thinking back, well, trying to think back what it was like 200 years ago, we’ve come a long way, baby. My age, 84. When I look back on our history, our previous invaders of this continent, ******* over a lot of the locals, manifest destiny… The Indians, as they called them, were the inhabitants of the land. Our ancestors(mine was not one of them, immigrated 1900, the land was “conquered” and “civilized”), conquered the land. The Spanish did it first…1560 from what I learned. When the indigenous tribes Aztecs, where pro-created with Spanish blood, hence, Mexican. I don’t want to get into that…I’m not Spanish or Mexican, but the different ethnicity produced what is today Mexico. Mexico or Mexican is an ambiguous word.(don’t even want to go there or anywhere else for that matter. The planet is indigenous one place or another) As the world turns!!! We are all proud of our heritage, wherever we came from Where am I going with this? As the planet evolves, I guess. Who the hell knows? I’ll be oughta here in a number of years. Hopefully more than a few. I pity the many left.
I guess its just venting from what I have been reading. In closing, I have friends of different heritage. We all respect each other. (Future society get back to me and let me know how things turn out). Its a helluva world! I’m happy to have been brought up in a sheltered world.I’M DONE.