Lara Trump SHOCKS the RNC | Trump Furious, demands lawsuits NOW!!



I am 87 years old. If I make it to November it will be the third time I vote for our real President, Donald Trump.

Who else can’t wait to vote TRUMP ?


  1. I will proudly be voting for Trump for the third time, but I fear the cheat is in and the judges are picked and paid already! Fraudulent elections have been greenlighted by the so-called authorities and courts!

  2. The “never trumper” who said “you are not a patriot if you don’t vote for (kommie) Kamala” is obviously confused as to which country he’s living in. A one-way ticket to Russia would help clear his disorientation.

  3. With the wars going on all over the world do you actually believe Kamala could do a thing? Joe Bidon did nothing at all but go back to one of his homes and sit on the beach. Who is in charge now? do you even care that Kamala, and her husband are both communist. and the man she chose for her vice President loves China. Probably a communist also This might just be our only chance to clean out our government folks. Too many of the democrats have enriched themselves with taxpayers’ money. And it seems the get away with whatever they do. Their plan is to cheat again in whatever way they can. It has already started. Our real problem is Americans that watch only liberal stations and have been brainwashed. Telling the truth seems to mean nothing to our liberal stations. Their goal is to do whatever is necessary to give the election to democrats even if it is cheating. And it already in the planning. If you love this country You must vote for Trump. We might not have another chance to save America

  4. Snarls you are so out of it. Go to China or Russia and you will see what Conrad Kamala and Walh believe . They are both communists. Grow up.

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