JD Vance GOES NUCLEAR On NY Times Reporter In EPIC Takedown



Wouldn’t it be great if reporters went after Harris for all her BS.

I like that they never succeed in pulling Vance down to their level He manages to put them in place while still being good-natured.


  1. In the 1930’s , the so-called paper of record covered up Hitler’s rise to power in Europe and his systematic killing of Jews, Christians and anyone who did not support his Nazi society ! The NY Times has always been a Left-Wing political propaganda machine that distorts the real truth and did not alert Americans about Hitler’s Nazi plans . In fact , their failure to do their job as unbiased journalists , allowed Hitler to gain momentum and kill millions of Jews , etc. Finally , they started publishing the facts in the early 1940’s but the Nazi’s only had FDR involving the US military after the December 7, 1941 attack by their partner Japan and hence , the “paper of record” was complicit in the loss of 20 million lives across the globe ! Strangely , the NY Times was owned by Jews !!

  2. What the paper did then and why is probably out there in a book.

    But now they are up to speed on our own wanna-be dictator.

    They had a great article yesterday, p. A14, Saturday, September 28 on the falsehoods, exaggerations and untruths in the stump speeches of both candidates – and WOW – Trump is a mess!

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