I’m Not Falling For Michelle Obama Anymore



I have a hard time imagining Michelle sitting in one of her multiple mansions crying about being oppressed.

I am a 73 year old white woman. My mother raised 7 children by herself after my father died when I was 10. My mother never went on welfare, she had social security of 350.00 a month. She taught us moral values and raised us in church. I have worked odd Job’s all my life to be able to raise 6 children. I didn’t have a 401k and now receive a minimal amount of social security. I’ve never received any surplus checks from the government. I definitely know I’m not a part of the white privileged. I’m blessed to be married to a man that earns a decent living but he works 75 to 80 hours a week to make ends meet with the economy under the biden administration. I’m glad to see someone speaking the truth about the left agenda, Amala. Thank you for your wisdom. Vote Trump 2024.


  1. No one whines more than the Obamas. They in fact whined their way to a 70 million dollar fortune. Most of that was obtained by borderline criminality. Using your position in government to obtain gross wealth makes you a bottom feeder. Bottom feeders don’t get much lower than the Obamas.

    • Borderline criminality? How does that differ from actual criminality? (See former President TrumP). When you make accusations of criminality or anything of a negative nature, it is good to use sources, not opinions.

  2. You fall for every piece of bull shit that falls out of any republican’s mouth. Why would you all of sudden take umbrage with bullshit from other quarters? For chrissakes, be consistent.

  3. Why do y’all like to bash others?if you don’t like michelle Obama that’s your problem. Y’all really need to stop the nonsense and hate.

  4. I thought “she” was doing shaving commercials “she” certainly has a heavy enough beard for it..should be on trial for deceiving the country about what he is and who he is

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