Gutfeld: This is the ‘biggest crime story I’ve ever seen’



What in the HELL is Tarlov talking about??

Trump: “She should resign in disgrace for what she’s done to our country, NOT run for president!”


  1. Trump will deport the trash that Kacklea welcomed into our country. “It’s not a Biden/Harris problem”. What a lying witch. This failed administration reversed all of Trump’s EO’s on their first day. They were so against Trump, they blew up every good policy he had in place. This entire administration should be charged with treason. Every American citizen who had a family member injured, raped or murdered by an illegal, should be able to sue this administration individually. Make it come out of their pockets, not the taxpayers.

    • Every last member of the Biden Administration should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison for no less than 40 years for TREASON !
      If the USA was at war then they all would bed subject to execution !

    • There’s only one problem with your post, JJ, trump has never had a good idea. Unless you mean buying Greenland, or moving a hurricane’s path by black marker. Or freeing 5,000 fighters into Afghanistan even though the military said that it’s totally stupid. Setting an evacuation date for leaving Afghanistan, before the fight was over..costing American soldiers lives. But trump has already proved that he couldn’t care less about the American military. They’re losers, he said in France. Don’t forget the wall that Mexico paid for…what about the immigrants after trump stopped the border bill,that would have cleaned up the border, but trump didn’t want to give Biden a win. Meanwhile, he’s saying that Harris is responsible for illegals, but it was trump who stopped the border bill. So any Americans killed by immigrants, we can blame the republicans who stopped the border bill. Trumps a total idiot, who takes credit from others, because he doesn’t have any wins of his own…get some brains JJ…

      • Do you seriously believe everything you hear. Trump was kidding about Greenland. Trump had a plan to leave Afghanistan but left office before implement the plan, but he did leave it for Biden but Biden didn’t follow it. It was debunked that Trump said that soldiers were losers. Get over it.
        Before blaming Trump about the border bill, read it first.
        The dementia Joey and idiot Kamala never take blame for what they did to the economy, killing of 13 service men and women (that Joey couldn’t wait until their dead bodies left the plane (really shows respect). Losing 130K illegal children (all Kamala). That women would destroy the stock market with the new tax she wants to charge. She is a communist and hates America and will destroy it. She knows nothing about foreign affairs, just like she knows nothing about finance (like Yellen (one damn dumb woman). She wants to give welfare and SS to illegals who put nothing into the system and don’t deserve it. More tax money. Just because you have nothing to lose doesn’t mean other don’t.

  2. Hi Greg, today there is a headline that. IS IRAN REALLY AFTER TO KILL DONALD TRUMP .. the one that Obama gave billions upon billions, that Iranian President is after Trump and then he went to Cuba nonetheless to speak with Castro, how to implement communism in USA, and who is running our country for the last 12 years?. don’t tell me the marionet and his swallower are doing anything. for almost 4 years the swallower never went to the border, and she was commanded to be the “ZCAR” of the border, but Biden gave the green light for the 0ver 20 millions illegal roaming the streets, killing, robbing, assaulting, and all type of crimes, gangs, human trafficking, sexual attacking little girls. yes Greg get rid off that ridiculous Tarlov, she is nothing but a communist.

  3. WHY, WHY, WHY IS JESSICA TARLOV ON ‘OUR’ SHOW??? GUTFELD, whenever ‘she’ is there, we turn you off! Her brain is fried, her voice is unbearable to listen to, she shows NONE of the education she is supposed to have received. . . just an idiot!

  4. The illegal freeloader invasion IS a Biden/Harris problem. They created it, then they blame Trump. Trump wants to deport the illegal freeloaders and I agree. Send ’em back. We don’t want ’em. The problem is, organizations such as the ACLU will file lawsuits to stop it. It could drag through the courts for years.

  5. We are seeing the results of the Communist takeover of the Democrat Party and their agenda of destroying America from within. Up until obama, the Democrat Party (for the most part) was lead by Socialist Liberals who still wanted America to prosper albeit going about it in a different way. With George Soros funding and controlling obama and inserting Communists into the administration and Deep State bureaucracy, we are seeing the systematic destruction of the American way of life, it’s economy, social structure and standing in World politics. This is all by design. A well planned, organized and funded agenda to fulfill Nikita Khrushchev’s prophecy of ‘destroying America from within’. That is why true Liberals have left the Democrat Party such as RJK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Manchin, etc.. Since the Commie takeover, the DNC no longer allows for true Liberals or even moderate Socialists. They are pure, hard-core Bolshevik Communists hell-bent on destroying our America. They are not the ‘old’ Democrat Party. These people are poison.

  6. China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, et al can sit back and watch the Democrap party destroy America from within. And the “useful idiots” keep voting for Democraps. Duh.

  7. Why was the hit and run incident that left a young 13 year old girl permanently in a wheel chair never investigated? Is it because the victim and her mother were intimidated at the hospital by two men who represented the driver, a powerful woman? The victim was interviewed on the BENNY SHOW two weeks ago; she wants her story told. She named the DUI driver (driving the wrong way on a one way street) as the then Atty Gen of California KAMALA HARRIS. Please verify this interview, the victim, the hospital admission record and get her story out there. People have a right to know what they are voting for-not like the laptop that was hidden from sight.

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