Group of Black Teens Are Randomly Attacking Old White People



Imagine if it was a group of White teens did this to an old black guy.

This is why you carry a firearm. This is a hate crime.


  1. Time for people to fight back and if the attacker gets kicked in the nuts, a black eye. broken knee cap or broken nose, tough S**T. Who’s sick and tired of this liberally sanctioned BS?

    • I don’t give a s*** What color the thug? Is when they come for me? I’m putting a bullet in their f****** head. I’m tired of this black privilege. Black cops get a kill unarmed. White women at the state capital. F****** black people get a murder and Robin. Rape white people and they are let go because they are baboons and not human. I’m sick of the b******* sick of the race card. And sick of the black privilege

  2. These punks and thugs are playing with fire, and if they fk with the wrong person, that carries, and gets shot, there own dam fault, but the shooter always gets screwed. U can’t let these people, get away with crap like this. Unfortunate the dumbocraps could care less, and let kids and chumps get away with assaulting people, it has to stop, by however means possible. Lawless america under biden and harris, worthless embarrassments, destroying america.

  3. This needs posting allll over fb . Will it fit their narrative? Well let me see, they hate the truth so let’s try posting the truth yet again.

  4. Once the criminals are allowed to collapse society then all bets will be off and no matter what color you are you will be going down like the wild beasts you are!

  5. Amen, Zchonie, I’m 87, my wife passed 3 years ago, and I live alone. So just in case some hoodlum thinks I’m an easy target, I keep a small arsenal of weapons (pistols and rifles) in a closet next to my bed. Nuf said.

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