Can Trump Void Biden’s Autopen Pardons?



You cannot blanket pardons and you cannot pardon someone for a crime they haven’t been charged for.

No executive order or pardon should be allowed to be auto signed.


  1. Quite a diversion to keep our president busy undoing everything that Biden did to this country, he sold us out and now Trump has to fix it all just because Biden’s a sore loser. Well “loser” part I’m not sure of as he’s rich now that he sold out his country. Benedict Arnold comes to mind.

  2. Ben, I agree 100%. Any bills that dopey Joe allegedly signed with an autopen should be declared null and void. Dopey Joe wasn’t running the show. He wasn’t running anything. He was a brain-dead puppet. By definition, what dopey Joe did is treason. He was ruining our country.

  3. your 100% correct,
    and this is where TERM LIMITS need to be put in place, a lifetime politician no way, they get to comfortable, too many favors, too many hands in the pot and this is the mess we end up with,
    look at the trillions spent, inflation, taxpayers money used for private enjoyment,
    and hand grabbing money out of social security which we paid in and not for their pleasures, it’s our money,
    and giving only some taxpayers 5,000 dollars is not fair, for some still pay property taxes, personnel property taxes, food tax, gas tax, phone taxes, electricity taxes, sales tax,

  4. Term limits should be in place for every elected person…from president, congress, governor, mayor etc….
    This information is not given lightly by the commentator has said here

  5. Victoria, I agree. Term limits for all politicians. Two terms and adios. This would remove the entrenched, political deadwood.

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