BREAKING: Gavin Newsom JUST ANGERED 91 million Americans!



All Americans should stop paying taxes.

I’m 74 and this world can’t handle much more of this stuff. I pray that Donald J Trump wins the election


  1. RED states need to separate from this evil empire called, AGAIN ! England 1776, socialist tyranny 1861. how about total stupidity 2025?

  2. Californians elected Newscum as their governor, so they have no one but themselves to blame. They tried to recall the tyrant, but the recall failed. It will be interesting to see what happens when he runs for reelection. Will they reelect him, or will they come to their senses and elect a Republican? Cackling Kammy wants to continue to build Trump’s border wall? Don’t believe a word of it. Kammy will do absolutely nothing to stop the illegal migrant invasion. She could stop it right now, but she won’t.

      • The elections here in CA aren’t honest. Orange county did attemt to remove Newscum & they did have enough signatures. Don’t forget Newscum is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew. Between them & the elite’s $$$$ here in CA we’re so screwed. Pelosi & her nephew give chronic reinforcement to those who break the law. Harris too as she allowed criminals to steal up to $1,000.00 from retail stores. You don’t give 150K to people (some of them gangs from Venezuela) while Californians can barely get by with high taxes, gas, utilities, rent/ mortgage. In the interim, the elites (socialists) are in their gated estates oblivious.

    • I wish people would stop saying “they elected that person to office so it is their fault” That is such a blanket statement and probably 9 times out 10 NOT TRUE!
      So many elections have been stolen, I watched the elections in Georgia being stolen in 2020 on OAN, who is no longer in business, because they were exposing the truth. They showed tray after tray of ballets being taken off of a covered bookcase and run through the election machines at the Fair Grounds polling station after they said it was flooded, shut down, and most of the poll workers were told to leave and then they say”Georgia did not elect Trump, when I am pretty sure we did! ”
      Also, the judge presiding over Mike Lindel’s case in Georgia ruled that the machines used here could be tampered with, so that is a very judgemental, and unfair statement to make about any one or anything! Unless you have proof positive!

  3. They need to start filing charges on Pelosi, Schumer Schiff, Nadler and Harris, Biden for not doing their job. That is protecting the citizens of the United States of America, they committed treason allowing criminals to cross the borders, attacking and killing citizens of America, taking money and housing from citizens giving to illegals

  4. Definitely need a red state/ blue state split. Becoming more evident that there is no middle ground. Like to see Red State AGs start filing indictments against Biden, Harris for the border crisis & the murders of US citizens by the illegals. Just for a start.

  5. I think our gubernatorial election in New York State may have been stolen. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul is highly unpopular, so how did she get reelected? She won “by the skin of her teeth” and now she’s drunk with power. She’s worse than her predecessor Andy Cuomo. She wants to ban gasoline powered cars, gas stoves, and the use of natural gas. It can get very cold here in winter and we need natural gas. However, she isn’t doing a damn thing about the illegal migrant invasion. She didn’t even mention it in her State of the Disunion address.

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