Bill Clinton SLIPS UP & SABOTAGES Kamala As Roland Martin Lets Her Lie To His FACE On The Border!



The democrat party is so OLD, TIRED, and RACIST.

I love how these hypocrites PUSH abortion, THEN call out the birth rate problem


  1. She’s a liar the bill was an amnesty bill allowing 5000 immigrants in a month w citizenship n she never prosecuted anyone

  2. Hey Jan ArmyVet, I too am an army vet, having served from 1974-77 with the 82nd Airborne. As a 70 yr old american, I have been around and have seen quite abit in my time. This corrupt, deep state power group, that currently is in control, started back with the Clinton presidency. It continued on with the “Junior Bush / Cheney joining in, and reached it’s peak with the “Muslim Obama”! Trump threw a wrench in their plans by winning in 2016,and started to “clean out the swamp”. These anti-american socialists will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from being re-elected, even killing him if all else fails. WE NEED TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! Everybody needs to get out and vote!

  3. I’m 76. I drove a tank truck and fueled vehicles. You’re correct. Slick Willie started selling us out. Bush Jr/Cheney lied about non-existent WMDs in Iraq to “justify” an invasion. Then Obummer REALLY started selling us out. Dopey ol’ Joe was Obummer’s puppet and cackling Kammy will be too, if she gets elected. We need to take our country back from these assholes, or we won’t have a country left.

  4. Hearing KARMAla speak hurts my ears must be cause she lies and lies.BTW she does look like Obama in a wig, especially with the ‘let me be clear’ line over and over. Joe n KARMAla or Dumber and Dumbest must go, we just can not have 4 more years of this.

  5. I’m absolutly amazed that a large part of the population either doesn’t remember that Joe and Kamala don’t recall the comment she made regarding the border about the border being open. Now they are campaighing for illegals to have driver licenses so they can vote. The election should be crystal clear for anyone with an ounce of brains. I don’t recall any election when the candidate was hand picked by a few, months prior to voting. Let me be clear, Dump the trash and pull your heads out so you can see clearly.


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