Biden admin is ‘not even pretending anymore’: Marc Thiessen



Jill should be in prison for abuse.

Why is Jill involved? She is not an elected official and should not be at the cabinet meeting. Is anyone running our country?


  1. Why is it that so many minorities fighting the system finally get a shot at a great job, then proceed to steal, perform actions they know are illegal and end up jailed, fired, disgraced and plead “RACISM”. There is a good chance that racism got them into the job to begin with. You would think that once attaining the dream job that they would act beyond suspicion and enjoy the unimagined financial and social recognition. Not that there are not a lot of white crooks in the same situation. But I would think blacks are more cognizant of how far down they can plunge, once discovered.

  2. Old turnip head Biden was never in charge and the only reason he is in the White House is because the criminal deep state cheated the 2020 election! Everyone knows it even the ones that don’t admit the crime, and now the deep state alphabet soup agencies are trying to murder the man that can fix this mess, and restore constitutional government!

  3. Ron, you are correct. Dopey ol’ Joe was never in charge. He was already senile in 2020. He’s simply a brain-dead puppet, and now they’re not even trying to hide it anymore. Jill and Obummer are calling the shots. They tried to assassinate Trump not once, but twice. Trump will fix this mess, if he’s reelected.

  4. If unions are “SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT THEIR MEMBERS” ; and so many members want Trump, why do not the union OFFICERS and OFFICIALS just simply ENDORSE President Trump instead of just NOT ENDORSING harris!!??

  5. You pay union dues, then the union endorses (and donates to) candidates that I would never vote for. Why doesn’t the UAW endorse Trump?

  6. Jill heading the cabinet meeting is the same as a highly elevated political member picking up a non appointed person, exposing them to all your political rhetoric for a given time and giving them the green light to fill in for you while you sit back and doodle. Sure works for me, go blue team. Perhaps we should give the democrat party a more appropriate name, seems the party has actually ceased to exist.

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