I’m a red neck, cracker, honky and a friend of hillbillies. 0000 means QUAD BUCKSHOT to us in the South. What we shoot thugs and yankees with, close quarters…. GIVE no quarter. LIBERTY or death
just as ALWAYS the slime balls in the media don’t KNOW jack about what they are experts at, Climate Change, socialism or corrupt Amerika. idiots & urine-al-ist
Idiots watch such shows and suck up all the liberal propaganda as if it were the Gospel. I’m no longer on speaking terms with an idiot.
I’m a red neck, cracker, honky and a friend of hillbillies. 0000 means QUAD BUCKSHOT to us in the South. What we shoot thugs and yankees with, close quarters…. GIVE no quarter. LIBERTY or death
just as ALWAYS the slime balls in the media don’t KNOW jack about what they are experts at, Climate Change, socialism or corrupt Amerika. idiots & urine-al-ist