Too bad that Carol and Paul don’t have the time to watch an article that exposes anti-americans. Just keep yourselves in the dark and keep voting for these socialist scumbags! Thank God that there are intelligent Americans who care about our country and support the “swamp clean out”
Anything Schumer does will result in failure. Because he is a walking and talking failure. Putting him in charge is hiring a school drop out to be Dean of a credited Law School. The Law School ratings are guaranteed to drop appreciably.
Chuck Schumer is the epitome of a slimeball politician. He is right out of Central Casting to play the role of a crooked politician. Sadly, he is in Congress for real.
Hey Shoeman just sit down and shut up…your lucky you still have
a job in Congress which you should not have!!! Trouble makers
like you are a disgrace….resign!!!
Why hasn’t he been charged for that insurrection he sponsored at The Supreme Court that day he threatened those 2 Justices. One almost got assassinated.
Your presentations are too long. I don’t have 35 minutes to listen to this!!!
I don’t either!
Schmuck Schumer is a real pos. He should have been voted out a long time ago. He’s not working for us; he’s working against us.
I would rather read the article. Can’t afford that much wasted time when there are other serious matters I have to attend to.
Too bad that Carol and Paul don’t have the time to watch an article that exposes anti-americans. Just keep yourselves in the dark and keep voting for these socialist scumbags! Thank God that there are intelligent Americans who care about our country and support the “swamp clean out”
Anything Schumer does will result in failure. Because he is a walking and talking failure. Putting him in charge is hiring a school drop out to be Dean of a credited Law School. The Law School ratings are guaranteed to drop appreciably.
Schmuck Schumer is a Jew, but he hates Israel. He’s done his best to undermine Israel. His actions prove that he hates America too.
Chuck Schumer is the epitome of a slimeball politician. He is right out of Central Casting to play the role of a crooked politician. Sadly, he is in Congress for real.
The look of evil, peering over the top of his glasses.
Hey Shoeman just sit down and shut up…your lucky you still have
a job in Congress which you should not have!!! Trouble makers
like you are a disgrace….resign!!!
Why hasn’t he been charged for that insurrection he sponsored at The Supreme Court that day he threatened those 2 Justices. One almost got assassinated.
Hes a scumbag, Looks like one, acts like one and hes stealing tax money to get his salary!!! Go get him Trump and fellow taxpayers!!