You’ve Been Canceled’: John Fetterman Must Leave Democrats As Party Is In RUIN!



who would’ve ever guessed that Fetterman would become the voice of reason in the democrat party

The more Fetterman heals from his stroke, the more conservative he becomes. Way to go!


  1. but but Uncle Festorman and sloppy Joe Obiden are the brain trust of the demon-rat party. They will have nothing left but nutty Nancy

  2. Jesus IS the rock-mass – upon which the Christen congregation was to be built. Rock-mass – This translates the Greek word peʹtra (feminine gender), which designates a mass of rock (Mt 7:24, 25; 27:51, 60; Lu 6:48; 8:6, 13; Re 6:15, 16) and therefore differs from peʹtros (masculine gender and employed as a proper name, Peter), meaning “piece of rock.” This distinction makes it clear that, when saying to Peter, “You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation,” Jesus was not using synonymous terms. (Mt 16:18) Even in the Aramaic (Syriac) version the distinction is apparent from a difference in the gender of the particle preceding the word kiʼphaʼ, used for both “Peter” and “rock.” The masculine verbal pronoun (hu) precedes “Peter,” but “rock” is preceded by the feminine demonstrative adjective (hadeʼ). That the apostles did not understand Jesus’ statement to signify that Peter was the rock-mass is evident from the fact that they later disputed about who seemed to be the greatest among them. (Mr 9:33-35; Lu 22:24-26) There would have been no basis for such disputing had Peter been given the primacy as the rock-mass on which the congregation was to be built. The Scriptures clearly show that as foundation stones, all the apostles are equal. All of them, including Peter, rest upon Christ Jesus as the foundation cornerstone. (Eph 2:19-22; Re 21:2, 9-14) Peter himself identified the rock-mass (peʹtra) on which the congregation is built as being Christ Jesus. (1Pe 2:4-8) Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote: “For they [the Israelites] used to drink from the spiritual rock-mass that followed them, and that rock-mass meant the Christ.” (1Co 10:4) On at least two occasions and in two different locations the Israelites received a miraculous provision of water from a rock-mass. (Ex 17:5-7; Nu 20:1-11) Therefore, the rock-mass as a source of water, in effect, followed them. The rock-mass was evidently a pictorial, or symbolic, type of Christ Jesus, who said to the Jews: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.”—Joh 7:37.
    It is also of interest that Saint Augustine (354-430 C.E.) at one time believed that Peter was the rock-mass but later changed his view. Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures (Mt 16:18, ftn, p. 296) quotes Augustine as saying: “The rock is not so named from Peter, but Peter from the rock even as Christ is not so called after the Christian, but the Christian after Christ. For the reason why the Lord God Almighty says, ‘On this rock I will build my church,’ is that Peter had said: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ On this rock, which thou hast confessed, says he, I will build my church. For Christ was the rock upon which also Peter himself was built; for other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” PLEASE NOTE THIS POINT; Jesus is NOT God; he is the son of God. God’s Holy Name in the King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth. That Holy Name is in the King James Bible 4 times, BUT, it is in the original manuscripts that make up the Bible more than 7,000 times. Why the difference?? The answer to this ‘difference’ explains much about who rules this earth AND who serves that demonic force (Luke 4:1-8). If you have questions or doubts, please ask or email me at Also, I can direct you to a free home Bible study course where you can study the Bible at your convenience, please request the link via email.

    • You are Right! The word Easter is the name of a Pagan Goddess the real word is Greek for Passover. And Don’t get me started on the Council of Nicaea, when Constantine adopted Pagan Deities and made them Saints. Keep studying so much to learn.

  3. The sad and worst part of the disordered, corrupt, and lying Democratic pre pro Communist Party are the millions of Marxist indoctrinated and confused Democrats who support “Judas”Joe, “Benedict Arnold” Biden! It only prove that Democratic Party Liberalism continues to be a “ Mental Disorder” promoting WOKE, pronoun identity, sex change operations, Gay Marriage and (anti God, anti Bible Political Pride Propaganda!

    • I have to agree that the Dumbacrats, as an overall group of morons, have come together due to as universal commune of brain-dead individuals. They have many highly demented groups, aka, The Squad, for only one example, who truly believe that they are the only people that have the most correct answers to the problems in America. Their anti-Semitic rhetoric is only one example of their lies. They are Muslims and they systematically hate America, the Jews and anyone else who doesn’t agree with them. They are typical democrats who probably hate everyone including all other demon-crats. The Democrats are just one of the many political groups who are trying to get the One World Government installed. True Americans are going to have to ban together as one party and destroy all vestiges of the democrat/socialist/communist party. A multiparty political system is what holds this country together and it should never be abandoned. All we need to do is to look around our world and see what/how socialism and communism have destroyed so many countries. Be blessed and honor God.

    • Glad to see Fetterman is smarter than your party and people like you, you do know you’ve been programmed like a robot right? Get help to get your brain back!

  4. No he still a demonrat with demonrat policy he is just trying to survive the republican take over that is coming though loyal demonrats love to suffer i dont


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