Woman SHOCKED After Ice Arrests Green Card Husband With Criminal Record For Deportation!



A green card is like a probationary pass to allow you to work. You commit a crime, it’s revoked and you are gone.
Fire that sheriff, allowing a pedophile to roam free at a family restaurant.
What’s so hard to understand about that?



  1. Get these illegals out of this country! In 1984, I turned in an white illegal from South Africa. One of the most racist human beings I’ve ever met! He didn’t deserve to be in this country!

  2. Why is it so hard to understand the meaning of “illegal”. This scumbag had a green card to be able to work and committed a crime, bye bye green card bye bye asshole!

  3. Why are you hiring illegals in the first place? Taking jobs from Americans.
    Dude should have been deported, when the drugs he sold, offed someone. Why is this an issue? Get out of our country. Go home.

  4. The Democrats will never learn that the American people are never going to trust them anymore we don’t want DEI and Wokeism and Corruption.

    • the socialist nut cases in the DSSA (Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika) hate Elon Musk because he is an African Amerikan. demon-rats hate women too. Why no one can have those in power (public servants) arrested, that took an oath to “protect & serve” We the People and have NOT done their job. IF they cashed their paycheck, THAT is called fraud. Restore the republic. Enforce the laws. Defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo (FIBbers/CIA/MIC/ATF/Dept. of re-Education). Make men and states free and sovereign again. DEATH to TYRANTS

  5. No one is exempt from crimes. A green card does not give you the rights of citzenship and he can be deported for his crimes.

    Reasons for deportation –

    Committing certain crimes, such as murder, rape, or child abuse

    Leaving the country for more than six months

    Failing to register as a sex offender

    Being convicted of drug or firearm crimes

    Helping someone enter the United States illegally

    Committing marriage fraud

    Abandoning your permanent residence

    Being involved in espionage or sabotage, etc..

    • I know plenty of people in Amerika that are above the law. Most are in our gov’t. The last two that were allowed to run for POTUS were NOT natural born citizens. barry boy obama was from Kenya, Camela was from Canada. Our gov’t. has failed us since 1865. We separated from England because of the abuses. Then came along the socialist, atheist, racist dis-honest Abe Lincoln. He didn’t free anyone, rather, enslaved ALL that he didn’t have killed. Now we are an oligarchy since 1963 and started acting like NAZIs. We can legally kill people (abortion) in certain buildings, just like they did in Germany 80 years ago. bunch of hypocrites. GOD hates hypocrites, so do I


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