The view is truly a view up the back side of a jackass, the stinking show has never been anything but communist promoting garbage designed to fool fools!
The View should be called “The Democratic and WOKE view”. There is not an ounce of a real Republican on that set. Once Megan McCain left, the View retained its new name above. The girl named Alicia claims she is a Republican but speaks out as a Democrat and has nothing positive to say about any Republicans. She said show me the money and jumped to the Democratic side. Terrible show!! Elon Musk really should buy out the network and cancel the show unless the Republicans can get a knowledgable real Republican who will stand by the Republican party!
Quit watching them. I don’t think anyone with a brain would watch them. To be on tv you would think they had a minimum IQ. In my opinion they should just report the news and keep opinions to themselves. I have average IQ and can form my own opinions I don’t need anyone to tell me how to think.
The view is truly a view up the back side of a jackass, the stinking show has never been anything but communist promoting garbage designed to fool fools!
Anyone who has been following the nasty b itches for years is truly brain damaged!
The future of the Democrap party? Hopefully, it goes away like the Whig party did.
The View should be called “The Democratic and WOKE view”. There is not an ounce of a real Republican on that set. Once Megan McCain left, the View retained its new name above. The girl named Alicia claims she is a Republican but speaks out as a Democrat and has nothing positive to say about any Republicans. She said show me the money and jumped to the Democratic side. Terrible show!! Elon Musk really should buy out the network and cancel the show unless the Republicans can get a knowledgable real Republican who will stand by the Republican party!
I say tell all those Bitches on the VIEW to go and FiretrUCK themselves !
I am not sure where Sunny gets her information, but she is wrong. she looks so bitter and mean most of the time. she is really dumbing down
The world will be much happier, without this show.
Quit watching them. I don’t think anyone with a brain would watch them. To be on tv you would think they had a minimum IQ. In my opinion they should just report the news and keep opinions to themselves. I have average IQ and can form my own opinions I don’t need anyone to tell me how to think.
Looks like v a lot of viewers are watching that dumb show!