Watch Kamala Harris Get Angry as NBC Host Calmly Corrects Her Lie


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Kamala Harris’ disastrous interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, where he called her out for lying about visiting the border during the migrant crisis.


I don’t understand how anyone can claim that Kamala Harris is intelligent.

She laughs because it reduces the personal impact of her lies


  1. In Guatemala because there’s no 5 star resorts or shopping centers at the border. “ Care about the border “, the only thing she cares about is Kamala. She’s a social promotion thanks to being black.

  2. You have to be some kind of illiterate to believe this pathological liar,she has no concern for the disaster her administration created at the border and she isn’t qualified to run a self service laundromat,she is the most unqualified VP we ever had and in no way should be the president of our country,nothing but a cackling idiot

    • I agree. She has FAILED us in every aspect since she became VP. But I’ll bet her wallet (and purse) swelled with moolah. She never showed any interest in the border. Remember that she said, back in 2017, that an illegal immigrant is not a criminal. Wake up Kamala. If this person came to the USA legally, that would be fine.

  3. Cackling Kamala is an airhead. Heaven forbid that she ever becomes president. She’d be worse than dopey Joe, if that’s even possible. She’s highly unpopular. Although she’s riding high now, she’ll likely get kicked to the curb at the Democrap convention next month.

    • Better still how many did she fuck in Congress to get to where she is now, ive seen more sense come from a dead maggot ! and these people are calling Donny a nutter? Please at last we know one thing Donny loves his country and will do anything to protect the American people !

      • Your a total assh to degrade anyone no matter their views. Trum gave a very disrespectful email to President Biden when he resigned which shows what kind of person he is!!!

        • Barbara, I hope one day soon you will realize that President Trump is our only hope to bring back decency and respect for this country. The Democrats are hell bent on destroying democracy as we know it. They are pushing us toward socialism. Is that what you really want??

          • Where do you see decently and respect in Trump? We had a wonderful country til he got to be president now blaming Biden for everything gone wrong. It’s the rules and regulations that we the people need to change and soon and fast. Trump isn’t a leader he’s a dictator. We need people who can work together not tear us apart. Nuff said except we need a congress that can work together not just because they’re a dim or rep

  4. There is only one word to describe this……….. Begins with c and ends with t…. figure it out and this is going to lead America.? HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Tell me Barbara, are you one of the braindead idiots that does what the demon rats tell you to do? You are in lockstep with a socialist organization that hasn’t got on moral person in their ranks. Sorry, your a dumbass who cannot think for herself. Bet you supported Hillary too!

  6. Get Harris out of office Trump will take of the border like he did before the Biden bunch of idiots tore it apart.

  7. Barbara Wennerberg, You must have slept through the 4years Trump was President, those are the best 4 years I have seen in 50 years. I hope he wins again, I could use another 4 good years


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