Venezuelan Gangs are OUT OF CONTROL in Colorado!



And an 89 year old woman sits in jail for praying at an abortion clinic while these criminals run free, rob, and kill. How the hell is this happening?

Vote Kamala for record high inflation, never ending proxy wars and open borders. Vote Trump for a great economy, secure borders and world peace. TRUMP24


  1. Results of Biden/Harris border opening. This needs stopped NOW. It will not get any better. Send in the military. Kill or deport these criminals. Jail is useless. They have huge populations in jail and control them. Death is the answer.

  2. Don, I agree with you. Arrest and deport these criminals. If they resist, shoot them. Assuming Trump gets reelected, the illegal aliens still have 5 more months to pour in here. If cackling Kammy gets elected, the border will remain open. If you think this is bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. America won’t survive 4 more years of open borders.

  3. We are under attack; where is our protection?? The Hells Angels need to head to Colorado., because the national guard take their orders from the demon rats in the White house and that’s a no show. Colorada resident get your weapons ready to defend yourselves.

  4. I say good, the fools that voted the democrats in office are getting what they asked for. So let them simmer in their BS they asked for. Keep voting them in office and see how things end up for you … again.

  5. Well let’s stop and think all of the Democrats and bow to them. They have managed to destroy a country in 3 and 1/2 years. I think all these illegals should be gathered up and put on all the Democrats lawns and let them take care of them. It is pathetic what they are doing. Harris is nothing but a two-faced lying b****. She says one thing on her commercials and turns around and is doing something totally opposite. I know all of the sewers throughout the United States needs to be cleaned out. I think we should use the Democrats and start wiping up the sewers.
    We all better pray President Trump wins or this is going to be the end. And I hope Harris is the first one that suffers

  6. I see several Harris/Walz lawn signs. The signs say, “We won’t go back”. Are these people nuts? I feel like driving my big pickup on their lawns and running their stupid signs down. I wanna go back to affordable energy and groceries, no wars, a closed border, no migrant invasion, and no battery powered car mandates.

  7. Colorado used to be a decent state to live in, but then Californians began moving in and the state decided to go Degenerate I mean Democrat.

    Now Colorado is getting exactly what they voted for.


  8. No ones fault but the republicans, They have seen that this is nothing but a tranny government. If you can’t tell then you don’t know what Tranny means. Your second amendment gives you gun rights for one reason and one reason only. to protect yourself from a tranny government. That’s it!! Not to hunt food, not for your personal protection, not for sports. So if you can’t use your guns rights for the reason you have them. They should be taken up. Quit asking others to do what you should do, go to D C and take your country back stop being a coward are learn to do and live as democrats tell you to.

  9. Arm the store employees and shoot to kill. These hood rats need exterminating . You can’t put a rabid animal in a cage and rehabilitate it. Put in a casket 6’ under and that will stop their criminal career.


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