Van Jones Admits TRUTH About Biden Catching COVID As Biden Considers DROPPING OUT For Kamala Harris!



Using COVID as an excuse in 2024 is INSANE!

I thought COVID19 was a pandemic of the unvaccinated.


  1. How many believe Biden actually has COVID? How convenient. Now he can go hide in his Delaware basement and not have to face tough questions. He’ll be too “sick” for any type of interview or debate or even a trial. So, is Kamala in charge during his untimely absence? The Dems are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they invoke the 25th Amendment, they have to admit that Biden’s cognizant state is in decline and has been for quite awhile. If Biden insists that he’s fine and his mind is fine, then he could face a trial on the documents issue. The documents in his possession were obtained when he was a senator, a VP and as a civilian, which was illegal. He can’t claim presidential immunity. The Dems might as well just give it up – they have nothing else. At this point, who would vote for Michael Obama or Hitlery? Who else do they have? Kamala? Spare me. Go Trump/Vance 2024!!

  2. FJB he is not sick with Covid it is a SCAM to keep him out of the spotlight and give him an excuse to drop out of the race for President !

  3. Post on-line for ALL to see

    Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party
    The Daily Caller

    Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party
    Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party
    The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.( Wake up Democrats)

    • Don’t worry about democrats waking up, they’ve been awake for quite some time, and the democrat party is almost in lockstep with the communist party. Just a couple of elections behind. Another democrat win in 2024, and there’d be a single party.

  4. Kamel-la first black women president, because the democrat party democracy doesn’t need merit nor greatness! Get ready for another four year of misery and destruction of your nation.
    Oh, you say you’re not going to vote for Kamel-la, it doesn’t matter the courts have greenlighted election cheating the last two election.


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