U.S. Role In Ukrainian Coup Revealed: With Scott Horton



Thank you for educating western audience about events of 2013-2014 that neocons don’t want to attract attention to

Yanukovych was Prime Minister twice before becoming President. He was originally from the Donetsk region of Ukraine, an area that is predominantly comprised of people identifying as ethnic Russians. He overtly took a neutral stance between the U.S. and Russia, and as you know, neutrality is not enough for the U.S. Imran Khan found that out.


  1. The USA is fond of meddling in other countries affairs. We take out dictators that we don’t like and we support dictators that the people want gone. As my late Aunt Amelia would say, “This shit has gotta stop”. Hopefully, President Trump will stop this nonsense.

  2. we are all watching the marionette skelator in our white house getting his last punches in as hes trying to start WW3 sending billions to Ukraine so fat pig zelensky can get millions more ukraine men killed in a war over NOTHING its just a scam to steal billions by our puppet potato head Biden the walking cadaver and fake doctor jill the pill the drunken skank at his side
    Biden wants to bankrupt America then dance away like the skelator puppet he is

  3. Dear fat lady, I agree with you 100%. Yes, the Democraps are guilty of what they accuse the Republicans of doing. As for drunks, I think cackling Kammy is either drunk or high on something most of the time. No one would act like she does, unless inebriated.

    • Jan, I saw her on tv last night. She look’s like she’s whacked out on something, preaching how she’s gonna come back! I think she first has to pay back that over-expenditure of $20M. So we know, SHE AIN’T EVER COMING BACK! I saw that poor little 2 year-old Mexican girl on TV crossing the border, looking for her parents in the USA. How heartbreaking! Bribem, “his boss Obama” Mayjerka$$ and many others belong in Leavenworth for those 325,000 missing children, the hundreds of thousands of our citizens killed by Chinese Fentanyl that they have let their Chinese friends continue making cash over Americans dying. Yet Joe, Hunter and Jim have Chinese cash falling out of their pockets with gifts of diamonds and god know’s what! They belong in Leavenworth!


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