Tulsi Gabbard on Dem Elite Lying to America About Kamala Anointed as Nominee and Policy Consequences


Megyn Kelly is joined by Tulsi Gabbard, author of “For Love of Countryā€¯ to discuss the Democratic elite lying about the process that anointed Kamala Harris as the nominee, their attempt to spin the truth about the consequences of her policy, her experience why Harris failed as a 2020 Democratic candidate, and more.


Tulsi Gabbard should get a top job in the Donald Trump administration.

who in the hell else just flat outright can not stand Schumer..


  1. K. Harris isn’t 1% as impressive as Tulsi Gabbard, but she is the tie that Barry Obama is counting on to retain control in D.C.

  2. Just like there are RINO’s in the Republican party, Schumer is a JINO. As long as he maintains power, everything & everybody be damned. Then there’s the issue with Kamala being black. The only thing black about her is the former slave owner lineage of sperm donors. When will Americans wake up?

    • my money is on, about 2 to 6 seconds AFTER their communist neighbor or the Gestapo blows their brains out, like they tried to do to Donald Trump. They WILL try again…… have to. The democracy they are destroying, depends on it. Restore the Republic FIGHT

  3. Granted, the selection of Kamala does indeed come from the “bottom” of the barrel…..but the fact that she was foisted upon the voters by the elite is an additional insult to all…..including BLM.

    • Tulsi Gabbard slept her way to the top? No. I don’t agree with her recent positions, but she got where she is by running and being elected to office.
      Another thing: Why do we say a woman “slept her way up” and not, “several of her male supervisors are in the habit of denying deserved recognition/promotion to women unless paid off with sexual favors”? Demanding bribes, of money or anything else, would be corruption – but it’s OK if conservative men do it?


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