Trump Tower Attacker’s SHOCKING Connection to Trump Assassin REVEALED | The Dark Truth



Im starting to think its less ISIS and more Democrat….

What did Trump say?


  1. As Americans we live in fear from homegrown terrorists that serve(d) in our military. We cannot travel as before; we cannot enjoy ourselves during holidays as before. Perhaps the enemies are within high leadership in our government. The truth will come out in time; the LORD GOD, IN HIS HOLY BOOK THE BIBLE as stated by his SON LORD JESUS CHRIST stated whilst during His visitation on Earth, is truth and the writings are: “ALL THAT IS HIDDEN WILL ONE DAY BE UNCOVERED.” It may take time but the investigations, if permitted, and done properly, lawfully, will reveal the truth as to all who are involved, the master planners.

    • This guy in New Orleans was a patriotic American. Why haven’t we heard from the guys on his A-Team at SF? Because Bribem want’s to keep the “White Supremacy” story in your heads. This was an “All American” kid that first enlisted as an 18X-Ray (Special Forces). Those guys are “here,there and everywhere” at a moment’s notice. He had been divorced and had marital problems. I just learned he’d had back and brain surgery. I think he just decided to pass his note about the ongoing decline of our country and a dose of PTSD that nobody saw. Continue to the clouds “fighting soldier from the sky”, your silver wings shall not be tarnished.

      • I meant: This guy in Las Vegas! The guy in New Orleans was scum of the earth! Both had been at Ft Bragg, but different units. The New Orleans terrorist had been in the 82nd Airborne Division, and had become a radicalized nut-case through the Koran and Islam. The Las Vegas Green Beret was a patriotic American and had gone thru back surgery and brain damage, (probably a parachute jump or combat wound). It’s a long way from one end of Gruber Road to the other. One died a terrorist (New Orleans). And one died an undiagnosed hero, (Las Vegas). How sad for our country.

  2. The BIG enemy to this Country is within They are called democrats School are now teaching hate America it seem and with the help of the Teachers unions And we pay them to do this Russian said yrs ago they would take this Country from within But the Dem beat them to it

  3. […]… Ryan Wesley Routh is the man who allegedly attempted to assassinate Donald Trump on September 15, 2024.  Investor and lawyer, Tony Seruga, posted to social site in December: “After extensive cell phone, laptop, and vehicle GPS data analysis, going back 4 years, Ryan Wesley Routh visited Fort Bragg 147 times, staying overnight on 29 occasions.”   […]


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