Trump SPEAKS OUT After FAILED Assassination As Liberal Media Warns Of Violence From Trump Supporters



Hey Joe you dont seem to mind your justice dept going after your opponents


    • Think about this 2020 Floyd dead, riots in the streets building burned people killed Kamala setting up bail money for them, democrats. Trump shot people did not riot, shooter did not need bail, republicans. They are so fearful of law-abiding citizens who only want their voices to be heard in a fair election all the while running around saying we’re dangerous. Heard this before, it’s chicken little running around saying the sky is falling.

  1. We will never know the truth. The dems and elites (Soros) paid for the assassination attempt. They’re scared shitless of Trump because he’s gonna reek havoc on their corruption and stand up for this country and it’s citizens.

    • Trump has spoken the truth throughout his original campaign, his presidency and now. He has stood up for us against the violent far left and has obeyed the law and upheld his oath to the Constitution. It is Biden that has ripped our rights to shreds, invited more violent criminals into this country to rape, rob and murder and tried to disarm us. So I ask you, who is the crook? Biden has sold us out!

    • Prove it. The way you talk, that should be easy to do! Even the fake lawfare being used against Trump is now falling apart! Gonna make people like you look awfully silly, and soon…..

  2. They say Trump is like Hitler????? How can that be when the liberals are the ones trying to tell us what to do and control the people like Hitler did. I’m sure you will try to control me and take this comment down and control what I have to say as you don;t like it. Its not a policy problem, but a control over freedom of speech which makes you appear like a Hitler.

  3. There are too many unanswered questions to not think that the assassination attempt was ordered from someone on the left. President Trump needs to have protection from more than the Biden run Secret service. Bring in a contigent of Israeli special forces.

  4. I believe that an order came from the democrat government from someone and set up a dumb kid for the job…God turned President Trump’s head at just the right time because God is in control against the evil party.

  5. The Trinity — Where did this teaching come from? The trinity is NOT in the Bible!! — The New Testament contains no explicit Trinitarian doctrine. However, many Christian theologians, apologists, and philosophers hold that the doctrine can be inferred from what the New Testament does teach about God. But how may it be inferred? Is the inference deductive, or is an inference the best explanation? And is it based on what is implicitly taught there, or on what is merely assumed there? Many Christian theologians and apologists seem to hold it is a deductive inference. (So men claim that they can deduce what the Bible means instead of what the Bible actually says. Got it?)
    In contrast, other Christians admit that their preferred doctrine of the Trinity not only (1) can’t be inferred from the Bible alone, but also (2) that there’s inadequate or no evidence for it there, and even (3) that what is taught in the Bible is incompatible with the doctrine. These Christians believe the doctrine solely on the authority of later doctrinal pronouncements of the (so-called) True Christian Church (typically one of: the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox tradition, or the mainstream of the Christian tradition, broadly understood). Some Catholic apologists have argued that this doctrine shows the necessity of the teaching authority of the Church, this doctrine being constitutive of Christianity but underivable from the Bible apart from the Church’s guidance in interpreting it. This stance is not popular among Christians who are neither Catholic nor Eastern Orthodox would be the main sticking point, although some groups deny all three. (Please think on this point deeply; there are now more than 41,000 different so-called Christian churches, all of whom use the doctrine of the Catholic OR Eastern Orthodox church. That number reeks of division, which is listed in the Bible as a work of the flesh, and NOT of the Spirit of God.) What has caused this division within so-called Christianity? Love of money, of course, that ‘love’ being more important than actual service to the Almighty through faith. I was raised as a Catholic. The last time I was in a ‘catholic’ church, they passed the donation basket 3 times and that had been going on for some time by then. That was enough for me. I had always donated, but! Donations should be freely given through faith, and not by constant prodding to do so.
    Many Christian apologists argue that the doctrine of the Trinity is “biblical” (i.e. either it is implicitly taught there, or it is the best explanation of what is taught there) using three sorts of arguments. They begin by claiming that the Father of Jesus Christ is the one true God taught in the Old Testament. They then argue that given what the Bible teaches about Christ and the Holy Spirit, they must be “fully divine” as well. Thus, we must, as it were, “move them within” the nature of the one God. Therefore, there are three fully divine persons “in God”. While this may be paradoxical, it is argued that this is what God has revealed to humankind through the Bible. The BIG problem with this is simple; the Holy Spirit is NOT a ‘person’! It is God’s active force that He uses for His creative work.
    Please note this; It is not hard to understand, once you actually look into this so-called doctrine, that this is a Satanic teaching that runs counter to the Word of God, the Bible. In other words, it is a doctrine that comes from the father of the lie. If you have questions/doubts about that, please email me; I can also direct you to a free home Bible study course that you can arrange for at your convenience. Please request the information for the free home Bible study course via email.


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