TREAD CAREFULLY’: Bondi issues chilling warning to Dem over Elon Musk



Not only a warning from Bondi but also from the 77million, and growing, who voted for Trump and support this administration.

Very unacceptable to be vandalizing or destroying American businesses, such as Tesla. 50years in jail should be fair in the federal prison with no parole.


  1. crockett put your fake lashes on, and stop threaten elon and maybe you need some jail time also and removed from office,
    and what about your abuse of using taxpayers funds, or your greed about being rich,

    • I have NEVER heard of a criminal being “talked to” until they died. Even stupid people (low IQ & DIMs) will learn not to commit crimes, when they see others hanging from a tree or shot in the heart or head. Need to step up Pamela. Please don’t be another Jeff Sessions. THAT was stupid and a total waste. embarrassing. Bill Barr, just as incompetent

  2. These scum suckers are what Obama and Biden planted in America, Crockett and Boasberg should be removed from their positions, as they do not represent the 70% of Americans who voted for President Trump. There are many Democrats in office who oppose America’s interests, they should be identified & removed from their positions.

  3. This pathetic excuse for a politician is nothing but a classless ghetto reject and should be back in the shithole she came from

  4. Crockett is just playing to the cameras. Her outlandish remarks are meant to draw attention and the socialist media is pushing her for her antics. She is just a younger version of Kacklin’ Kamala, and just like Kamala, the more she talks, the dumber she looks! Steering her support to the left will only get her defeated in the next election. She is just one more moron to add to the list of idiot democrats.

  5. Ok, so instead of shipping these lovely gangsters to El Salvador, drop them off in the judges neighborhoods & if our “ so called representatives” care so much for these illegal gangs, drop them off at their doorstep. They can have them. We, The People don’t want them here. See how long this BS continues.


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