They made Trump look like he was talking crazy but the crazy thing is that its all true.

They should have a “fact check show” AFTER the debate. Moderators should not be permitted to get away with these blatant lies.


  1. You know what never cease to amaze me is these Democrats hollering my body, my choice . That includes the women and men, because of course the Democrats thinks men can have babies, but you never heard them hollering my body, my choice when the Democrats mandated that RNA injection that was never really anything but an experiment shot that makes both women and men sterile and still killing young sports guys with heart problems. It was done all to save their jobs. They were a bunch of sheep following their master.

  2. Fact check the fact checkers? There needs to be a moderator for them too! Why hasn’t there been outrage over the very obvious lies of Muir and Davis and the one-sided fact checks on Trump but not on Harris. They continued to let Harris lie through her teeth with no interruption but interrupted Trump when he rebutted. They weren’t moderators, they were biased Harris participants against Trump. Your “sheep following their master” analogy is so true.

  3. Demoncrats MUST lie about Everything. It’s in their DNA. Don’t believe your own eyes, just believe the demoncrats lies. They even have to lie about killing babies. “Abortion Marketing Website”, says it all.

  4. The truth is that the Pro Choice folks went entirely too far so this controversy is their own fault. Cases of rape, incest, serious health risks, etc. are rare.

  5. TIME MAGAZINE now admit’s they made a mistake when they claimed Trump was wrong when he stated that Kamala want’s to let illegals and prisoners get free sex changes. They have now found several statements she mad that confirms this. We do not need her in the Oval Office replacing Bribem and taking orders from Obama. Had it not been for Trump mentioning the dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio. A city of 58,000 that they unloaded almost 20,000 Haitians into. Now the schools can’t teach, these people are getting Drivers Licenses with no training and speaking no Englis, and they don’t have to take a test. Just pay the fee! The roads are mayhem! And we learned they have a special visa because they come from a country with civil war! BS! Obama and his henchmen behind this invasion need to be pending Leavenworth with those 51 Intel Analysts that signed an official government letterhead to rig a Presidential Election.

  6. They do the same thing as ALWAYS never honest with the ppl But the dem sheep follow so just tell them the other person id lieing and they believe it They have a real east job that way

  7. I agree, Ginny. It’s pure hypocrisy to oppose the death penalty, while being 100% in favor of infanticide. The Democraps burp about “freedom” and “our democracy”. What’s so “free” and “democratic” about being forced to take the experimental Covid death jabs known as “vaccines”? The so-called “vaccines” will not prevent you from getting Covid, transmitting Covid, or dying from Covid. Indeed, the “cure” is worse than the disease. Yes, they lied to us, folks. The “vaccines” aren’t a “cure” at all. I refused the Covid jabs and I didn’t get Covid.


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