This Ad JUST SUNK Kamala Harris’ Campaign



I am hoping Trump tamps down the name calling. We NEED HIM!

What does her commercial have to do with running a country. She is ridiculous!


  1. Quote from the video: “Why would I not go with Donald Trump when the policies are better?” Sorry. tRumps Supreme Court will have women wards of the federal government – spying in their doctor’s offices, tracking their periods, watching them if they try to find an abortion someplace.

    What woman thinks those Handmaiden’s Tale policies are better?

    • You poor thing, it’s sad to watch you weak minded liberals believe the blatant lies from Biden/Harris Admin…. Really??? LOL, I work in Medicine and that will never happen. Trump never said he would do it. It’s the same old crap the left does, is to take a video & cut a portion of it to fit their narrative. do yourself a favor & stay off THE MSM CHANNELS.

    • You are completely clueless. Roe v. Wade was a COMPLETELY Unconstitutional decision by judicial activist judges. You know nothing about the law or the Constitution – just a selfish crybaby that thinks you should get whatever you want and the government should be able to do whatever it wants. If killing babies is so important to you, then crusade for your evil desire and get a law passed by the legislature to nationalize baby killing instead of pushing through an illegal court ruling. Since Roe was overturned, the rate of abortions in this country, sadly, has increased. So what is your problem? You work in medicine – BIG DEAL – you have no morality. You’re probably one of Satan’s underlings pushing the clump of cells lie. Enjoy eternity with your evil master.

  2. What do you mean by saying President Trump should ‘tamp down’ name calling? Bull!! He exposes evil for what it is!! We Americans are tired of being NICE to these evil people. Take it back!! There is more FREEDOM with President Trump in office anf LynetteMT knows it. The REAL problem with women’s rights , is letting men play women’s sports and open boarders which sex traffic, rape, and murder of women!!!

    • I agree about the “sports” issues and I’m transgender. To transition later in life isn’t a good idea. To me, he’s “a guy in a dress”! My sport is archery. 🙂

      I had surgery when I was 29, with a few years of hormones and psychiatry visits before hand. I’m 72 now.

      Have you ever heard of Kim Petras? She was born in Germany and had surgery when she was 16. She’s 30 now.

  3. Considering what the democrats have been calling republicans, remember Hillary, we’re a basket full of deplorables, nazi’s, KKK, ignorant, but look how that turned out, we deployable nazi KKK member hated her, and now we got baby killer Kamala and her red China loving Walz and they are calling us weird. What did we say as kids, “I’m rubber, your glue, whatever you call me bounced of me and sticks to you”. We were pretty smart little kids.

  4. I think everyone should be entitled to their own religion or none at all. Not all religions believe life starts at conception. So to make one religion be THE ONE religion is just plain wrong. This is the United States, not Russia.

    Oh, and Rick Wroblewski, “Satan’s underlings” – really? Guess that is YOUR religious belief – and that’s fine. It just isn’t mine. But you “win” because…..?

  5. mhern says: “It’s the same old crap the left does, is to take a video & cut a portion of it to fit their narrative.”

    And the Right doesn’t do that….right? 😀

    • We actually don’t want a voter like you, you are a gullible goosestepping plantation voter. You will toe the line to whatever asinine bull the Marxists pay to buy your vote.

  6. Ha-ha-ha! You are LOSING a LOT of voters who were NOT LOST before Project 2025 hit the news. Maybe they liked tRump, but not enough to lose their bodily rights by voting for him.

    No one needs to buy a vote that was already lost. Repubs are not like they were 10-15 years ago. They have changed dramatically.


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