The question that ended Kamala Harris’ campaign lol



Ironic that lady gets mad that they made Commie memes of Kamala while the media just straight calls Trump a Nazi and Hitler.

Her parents income in 1972 was $600k. Not exactly middle class back then.


  1. I’m so sick of hearing that idiot babble on with her meaningless word salads. She was born middle class. Well, so was I. So were a lot of folks. She’s lying about that too. She had a wealthy, privileged up-bringing.

    • When politicians lie about their background, they will lie about anything and everything political. They don’t want the public to know what their evil plans are – Kamala and Walz have proven time and again that they lie more than they tell the truth. They can’t be trusted. with running our country – they will run it into the ground.

      • Leslie, please don’t say lie. (A)Walz told us the other night that the official Democratisch word is “misspoken”. He was “misspoken” about retiring a Sgt-Major after 24 years of weekend duty and 2 weeks each summer. He was “misspoken” about seeing tanks rolling thru Tin-a-Min Square. Kamala was “misspoken” about riding the “short” yellow bus to school at the socialite academy. Hillary was “misspoken” when the machine-guns fired at her and Chelsea as they ran thru the broken glass doors at that middle-eastern airport. So none of them lied!

  2. Ever wonder why Kamala seems to flip-flop on so many issues? PEOPLE whom are chronic liars tell so many lies that they can’t remember the last lie they told about the very same issue. Therefore, it seems like they are flip-flopping all the time, when in fact they have no real feelings on that very issue or perhaps their real feelings would cause them to loose if known by the public!

  3. $600K combined income of her parents in 1972 is WAY beyond middle class. She was born with the silver spoon somewhere! Went to private schools. Not even middle class. She has never suffered or done without. From what I heard she did not fair well on the bar exam. She is only good at lip service and word salad.

    • This is rich! Private schools? So how does the “I was that little girl” story she used on old Joe fit into her narrative? Just asking. Just axing.

    • Kamala was NEVER that little girl on the school bus! She lied through her teeth. Also, she failed her 1st bar exam and someone else took her 2nd bar exam for her. That was during the time frame when she was Willie’s paramour. She got A+’s for being a blatant liar in her formative years – that she’s an old pro now.

  4. The Deep State wants to install another puppet to control while they finish the destruction of the United States of America!! Why is it that the Deep state never mention the Bill of Rights, God, or The US Constitution??

  5. Correct. Cackling Kammy is too dumb to be president. In fact, she’s too dumb to be much of anything. She won’t tell us her true opinions because that would cause her to lose the election. So she runs her campaign on “joy”. Yeah, right. There’s nothing joyful about what she will do to America.

    • There’s no joy in what she and Biden have already done. It will get worse if she manages to make it to the WH, God forbid. Vote Trump/Vance 2024!!

  6. In the army around that time, base pay was $326.00 a month for an E-1. Hazardous duty pay for falling out of airplanes late at night was another $55.00. That would come out to $381.00 a month. It would have only taken me 1574 months to have made $600,000.
    I wonder how many hours she worked making French fries in that deep fryer? Has this woman ever told the truth?


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