‘The Five’: Kamala’s party is about to crash



The administration that committed treason 7/13 needs to be held accountable

15 days!!! NO PRESS CONFERENCES FROM HARRIS! NO INTERVIEWS flip flop policies Harris????


  1. Have to get crooked Biden out of presidents’ nest, huge mistaKE TO LET HIM KEEP PRESIDENTS POWER WHEN HE IS CRACY NUT. AND WILL DO PLENTY OF PROBLEMS FOR tRUMP

  2. Unfortunately no matter what a disaster Harris is there’s going to be plenty of morons who are going to vote for her only because of her race and gender,when it comes to liberals you can’t fix pure stupidity

  3. Democrats lied to the American people not letting them know of Joes mental condition and allowed Obama to run the country for a third term. Kamala would just give Obama a 4th term. They stole the election from Trump. They want to steal it again. Vote early and give Donald Trump his rightful place as President He and he alone can save this country complete destruction by Obama. His goal has always been CHANGE AMERICA We must stop him folks

  4. Let’s hope cackling Kammy’s party crashes. If she wins, our country won’t survive. The US will be another third world Communist cesspool. A lot of “useful idiots” will vote for her simply because she’s a woman, she’s supposedly black (when did she turn black?), and she’s a Democrap. Nothing else matters to these nitwits.

  5. All these comments are so very true! It just amazes me how people are so ignorant and still will vote for the destruction of our Country! All the lying media should be charged as traitors along with the people who control them!

    • Cuzzin Zeke,
      If the DimoRATs steal this Election you I and the rest of Us will be too poor to afford ammo for a civil war, we will have to beat them to death with a wetbacks leg, a tree branch, a fence post, Or a 65″ flat- screen tv.

      Fortunately I save all the mountain cedar posts last time and they all have some barbed wire left on them, And I’m saving the satelite cable for nooses, and some Hay baling wire for the politicians to hang from.


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