The Democrats just LOST another one!!!



Charlamagne the fraud.

They’ll still blindly vote Democrat…


  1. What was Gov Abbott supposed to do with the migrants? Keep ’em in Texas? Impossible, so send the freeloaders to so-called “sanctuary” cities. We the People never voted to be a “sanctuary” city or state. The liberal politicians did this to us. Now these cities are being destroyed by the illegal freeloaders. It will be interesting to see if cuckoo Kathy Hochul goes along with Trump’s plans to deport the freeloaders, or if she fights him every step of the way. I think it will be the latter.

  2. I watched the Mayor of NYC after he met with the new Border Czar, and he was almost euphoric over their agreement to go after the “criminal element” of the illegal invaders. WTF? OK, smiley. Please explain to me this. Once the “bad guys” are out, what about the other MILLIONS of free loaders living in hotels, getting debit cars, free health care, education, running our own citizens OUT???????? ONLY the criminals use up our taxes? Hell no. THEY ALL DO. They are all parasites, who suck us dry. So, Mayor Adams, wipe that toothy grin off your stupid mug and keep on shitting $$$$$$$ while you try to placate both sides. GET RID OF THEM ALL. EVery single law breaking illegal one of them and send their spawn with them. NO more anchor babies…!

  3. Idiot mayor Adams welcomed the illegal freeloaders with open arms. He gave them free hotel rooms, free food, free health care and even free money. Now he burps that they’re destroying NY City. Couldn’t he see this coming? They need to go. ALL of them. They’re citizens of another country and they have no business being here. Not a peep from cuckoo Kathy Hochul re the illegal freeloaders. It’s as if the problem doesn’t exist. She’s a clueless bitch and she’s “in over her head”.

  4. Governor Abbott and his Lt Gov are the 2 sharpest knives in the drawer. They know how to do basic math for one thing. They know when you have to pay $Billions for on free-loading scammers coming here to live off the U.S. taxpayers. And to think those pieces of trash Obama and Bribem sponsored the invasion. They both with Mayjerka$$ and Harris need to have all their riches and properties confiscated and given back to the people. It was announced yesterday that this criminal residing in our Oval Office “now” want’s to take the steel wall our tax-dollars already bought and sell it again for nickels on the dollar to boobytrap anything that President Trump attempts to do to fix what these treasonous scum have done to this country. Run all of them back across that border!

  5. Yes, dopey ol’ Joe is selling the materials for the border wall. He’s selling it at a govt auction for peanuts. That means President Trump will have to start all over again, buying new materials at a premium price. Joe is a traitor, pure and simple. How much more damage will the scumbag do before he finally leaves office?


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