Kamala Harris pulled a blaccent at her Atlanta rally with musical guests Megan The Stallion and Quavo. Does this pandering work on the black community? Let’s talk about it.
Kamala says a whole lot, and nothing at the same time…
People need to grow up. Ghetto culture is cringe, and I’m a black man. It’s ignorant. We need leaders.
Harris is more Brain Dead than Bidumb and an Idiot
We have dumb and dumber running America off a cliff. These people have been out of touch with reality, are a total danger to America, vote all dumbocraps from office, they are the enemy.
Why cannot a graduate of Howard U speak in “Black”? A pretty girl with a lot of air between her ears is just a mouthpiece that wants to be noticed. .
Hitlery Rotten Clinton did this to the darkies, a few years ago. The response was accepted and she “played” you. Ya’ll have been played for years. Glad some of you have seen the light. “demon-rats are gonna keep ya’ll in chains”. Make me pat taxes for it? everybody is pissed…. not a good outcome…. death, socialism
I can’t believe Americans with even half a brain would vote for this. She is trying sooo hard to be black – how cute. NOT.
only a white socialist can “act” less white (more black). That is a complement to me and other honkys, crackers, red-necks and hillbillys. One thing we cannot ever be, is a N1663R.