Her worst crime is the wig and her fake eyelashes stick out as far as her lower lip. She is the template of the “strong black woman” great physic, great morals, … Just a role model for all the future welfare sponge sbws… She is a POS… a good message to all that maybe segregation is the way to evolve. Out of the nest of welfare, fly or fall, which they all seem to want anyway. Destroy their own stores, rob their own markets, and watch all the areas become Commercial deserts….. they constantly blame and state hatred for whites , who pay their bills.. The farther away,, the better. We aren’t’ the nursemaids to the low IQ.
This woman is lying; everything that happened is recorded. It is of her, she would only get a warning for shoplifting, but instead, she chose to assault a police officer . She is no longer in Biden land where one can commit theft and escape consequences. Her level of intelligence is significantly low.
Her worst crime is the wig and her fake eyelashes stick out as far as her lower lip. She is the template of the “strong black woman” great physic, great morals, … Just a role model for all the future welfare sponge sbws… She is a POS… a good message to all that maybe segregation is the way to evolve. Out of the nest of welfare, fly or fall, which they all seem to want anyway. Destroy their own stores, rob their own markets, and watch all the areas become Commercial deserts….. they constantly blame and state hatred for whites , who pay their bills.. The farther away,, the better. We aren’t’ the nursemaids to the low IQ.
Sprayin’ a po-lice officer? You’s goin’ to jail, bitch.
This woman is lying; everything that happened is recorded. It is of her, she would only get a warning for shoplifting, but instead, she chose to assault a police officer . She is no longer in Biden land where one can commit theft and escape consequences. Her level of intelligence is significantly low.
Correct, she would have only gotten a warning and been off the hook.
I don’t know who is more pathetic……the shoplifter or the security guard. Let’s just call it a draw 😉
She should get c-nvicted – fel-ny th-ft.
All officers, guards should wear helmets to protect themselves against getting sprayed.
they should put her fat black ass on the ground and flood her eyes with pepper spray, nasty skank