SHOCK: Scientist Analyses Bullet Audio From Trump’s Assassination, Finds Evidence Of Two Shooters



This is deeper than a disgruntled and deranged 20 year old kid who hates Trump.

The military needs to investigate the FBI, the DOJ, the Secret Service and the DHS


  1. If they have an honest, competent CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) unit, they should have found a number of spent cartridge cases ejected by Crooks’ rifle (it was a semi-automatic) that match up with the number of shots recorded on the audio devices. If there were more shots recorded than spent shell casings, then that is evidence that there was another shooter. Also, they can match the spent cases with Crook’s rifle to account for all of his shots. Since the FBI has a history of tampering with evidence at crime scenes to fit their political agenda (Waco, OKC bombing, Seth Rich, Hillary’s e-mail servers, Hunter’s laptop, Mar-A-Lago, etc.), I have no confidence that the truth will ever see the light of day about Trump’s attempted assassination.

  2. Agreed. The Director is unqualified, incompetent, and unaccountable. Like Garland and Wray, Party over American people. Over truth and facts. They all hate Trump. What they should hate is the criminals, the policies, and the threats to the Republic. Democracy. Or what ever they call it. Where these people got their education, I mean, lack of. Close that down. To add to that. They are trying to pass the Dumb Sickness onto our kids. D(Destroy)E(Everything)I(Intentionally). Common sense is missing. They just do not have any. There are Honorable Military Veterans that would do a better job than any of these people. They know what team work is. These people are self centered and irresponsible. Destroy societies and freedoms. Communism, Socialism, and Authoritarianism has no place in any society. People are enslaved, while the elites take everything. Evil.

  3. I have NOT heard anyone speak about what I am about to say: If the bullets that hit each victim and what each missed bullet hit and are checked for the rifle barreling groves/marks, they would deffinately prove how many snipers there were. I am sure that evidence is already gone that to the government. Through history, when a rifle is used, there has always been more that one shooter. The pitch of each shot is a give away. Counting the counter sniper it sounded like 4 rifles.

  4. God’s Holy Name is revealed to us in His Word, the Bible. What is Almighty God’s Holy Name? In the AV King James Bible Psalms 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. His Holy Name is in the King James Bible just 4 times but His Holy Name is in the Scriptures that make up the Bible more than 7,000 times. We know this because Almighty Jehovah God carefully concealed thousands of copies of very early 1st through 4th century writings in what is now known as the Dead Sea Scrolls which were found in and after 1947. We also now know, thanks to those scrolls, that the name given to Jesus translates as “Jehovah is salvation.” And there is no other name under which anyone can be saved; only through knowing and “obeying” Jesus, who was the first ever creation by Almighty Jehovah, and who is now leading the Bible education program established by Jehovah God through His Holy Spirit. As Jesus told us; John 6:44 No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him, – AND; John 6:65 He went on to say: “This is why I have said to you, no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father. That this was stated twice in the Bible confirms that this is a foundational Bible principal; anything that cannot be confirmed TWICE in the Bible is NOT a Bible principal. This is what leads to so many errors in the ‘churches’ that claim to be Christian; they claim if it is in the Bible; it is gospel! No, it is not. I was raised as a Catholic but I got over that by having someone teach me what the Bible really teaches. If you have questions, or doubts, please feel free to ask for clarification. I can answer any question you may have about the Bible AND I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is also commanded in the Bible; [email protected]. If you would like to study the Bible for free, I can also direct you to how you can have such a FREE Bible study in your own home. Please request the link to study in your home via my email.

  5. This is down right scary, we can’t trust any of these government agencies, because they hate, all conservatives, and half the country. It sounds to me, that they are declaring war, against the American people. Are they absolutely crazy, or do they think they can control our lives, with no retribution, after trying to assassinate our president. I just don’t think they want to play the war games, because their will be total annihilation, from patriots, who won’t stand by and do nothing. This banana republic of the dumbocrap party, has just collapsed, the president just quit,who’s running this circus/clown show, this country is a laughing stock, with clowns running the government.

    • Watch it, Joe, or you will be labeled as a “Far-Right Extremist” or
      (horrors) a Conservative “Radical.” 🙂 I have no problem with such
      a description—especially if it’s from some dumb, ignorant Democrat. I now wear my MAGA baseball cap as a badge of honor, and always
      receive a “thumbs up”—especially from Veterans and older people who were alive when times were far better.


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