She CUT TO BREAK so fast after his response



Why would he need pardoned for the past ELEVEN YEARS if he hasn’t committed a crime?? Hunter=GUILTY

There is absolutely NO evidence Hunter committed any crime whatsoever… He is 100% completely innocent… Now, lets hurry up & pardon Hunter for the last decade from all that “innocence”…


  1. Yes , Hunter is totally innocent. He would NEVER use daddy for insider trading or money or influence. Hunter knows everything about oil and production, and he is absolutely respected all over the world. He doesn’t need daddy for any business deals. Why , he is so respected in the Ukraine and other countries that he shows up and he gets things done. He never flew Air Force One for business. I bet he never met Jeffrey Epstein, he is that honest.

    • Hey Rand, at first I thought you were being sarcastic, I mean, what kind of moron could possibly believe all that crap you spewed out!

  2. And Hunter would never be involved in “espionage and treason” against his country. After-all, he was a Navy Officer and took all those security classes and would never “make deals for favors, cash or gifts” from our enemies. If you read his pardon, you hope everyone in the “family/syndicate” get’s one that read’s the same: “Forgiving all crimes against the United States of America from 2014 to 2024 that are known and unknown”. To me this for some reason seem’s like treason with a Capitol “T”. And someone in our military that would have had a security clearance should never get an okay to be involved with this type thing. Now dirty politicians are abundant, because the laws don’t seem to apply to them. Treason should qualify you for a scaffold. Not allowed to get-off on tax evasion! And I’m sure they finagled a way not to be fined or pay the money back. I wonder how much data China got flying that Spy Balloon over most of our highly secretive military bases before Bribem made a show and brought it down? All of them belong in Leavenworth. Every one of those pardons was done by someone other than “The Big Guy”. He hasn’t been anything but “The Resident” since he swore-in. Signature President only. A Manchurian Candidate filling his pockets and helping destroy our country.

  3. They’re going after poor little Hunter simply because he’s Joe Biden’s son, and that is wrong. If you believe that, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I want to sell – cheap.

    • That poor “First Crime Family”. I guarantee they are laughing at “WE THE PEOPLE”. This government will go-down in history as the most stupid! How a group of individuals could overthrow an election, using the legal system, 51 Intel Analysts to lie on Federal Letterhead over a laptop that had been confirmed as valid 8 months before, yet they “thought” the Russians “might” have sabotaged it. So the Presidential Election wasn’t only bogused with illegal votes, but it was rigged. An overthrow by government employees or military is known as “coup d’Etat”. In other countries, you are quickly “tried and shot”. But here, you can hide on vacation as the office of President was not only stolen in the election, but that person is kept around just to sign-off on documents. For 4 years, the Kenyan and his friends hi-jacked the Presidency. Quite a feat! But all of those involved had this treasonous POs over the barrel. They knew where the real family cash was coming from. And now they have an investigator say he’s too demented to stand a trial? Trial? Trial for what? Making $8,000,000 for a book advance and letting a “Ghost Writer” with no security clearance have classified documents kept behind the Corvette in a box: 2 violations. I call that selling government classified documents. And that person had NO security Clearance. And Bribem wasn’t covered under the “Presidential Records Act”. But President Trump was, and they went after the wrong President. And that was “the lawful President”. Alvin Bragg and quislings belong in Leavenworth. Not President Trump! And everyone of the White House Counsel know’s it. Where did Bribem hide in the White House, while this group played President? Slobbering over vanilla ice cream and cookies?

  4. The lies, rot and corruption would continue if cackling Kammy had won. Nothing would change, just more of the same for another 4 years.

  5. Yep, Robert Hur said dopey Joe was too senile, too incompetent and too mentally crapped-out to stand trial. So why is he still “president”? He belongs in a nursing home, not the WH.

  6. First of all Hunter cant be innocent of everything because he pleaded guilty to one of the charges already. He was due to be sentenced but Daddy pardoned him. The injustice dept should look at treasonous charges for some in the Biden family. Never happen though.

  7. No nothing will ever happen to these scumbag assholes as long as the Republican no spine assholesin the House and Senate won’t touch them. And we keep electing them, Biden should be impeached, fuck Robert Hur. Another gutless politician

  8. Hur should be disbarred with Bragg, Fani, James, Bragg,Comey, Paige, Strozk, Wray and Jack Smith.
    My, I wasn’t even thinking and came-up with this many crooks!


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