The abuses of the unGREATful SOCIETY that LBJ started (after killing JFK) needs to be eliminated. socialist Amerika has spent $23 trillion trying to make savages equal. Not one poster child exist. Not one has “overcome” his laziness and corrupt idea of the “law of the jungle”. IF Africa is so lovely, we will pay for your return trip home. That goes for all others, mooooooslimes included.
Ditto that Patricia. If they drug tested all the people on welfare programs, I believe over 50% would not qualify. The whole system needs an overhaul. Time to get these people to work. Too many generations have been on these programs for years.
Hope they go after welfare fraud next. No reason why people have 2 and 3 thousand on a food stamp card.
The abuses of the unGREATful SOCIETY that LBJ started (after killing JFK) needs to be eliminated. socialist Amerika has spent $23 trillion trying to make savages equal. Not one poster child exist. Not one has “overcome” his laziness and corrupt idea of the “law of the jungle”. IF Africa is so lovely, we will pay for your return trip home. That goes for all others, mooooooslimes included.
Ditto that Patricia. If they drug tested all the people on welfare programs, I believe over 50% would not qualify. The whole system needs an overhaul. Time to get these people to work. Too many generations have been on these programs for years.