When we are attacked from within, by this O’Kenyan/Bribem invasion. This judge will be in a very bad position, as all the others that aided and abetted this coup d’Etat against our country.
I hope more Democraps wake up, smell the coffee and leave the party. I left the Democrap party a long time ago. They don’t represent my views at all. One more thing; don’t call us “a basket of deplorables” and “garbage”, then expect us to vote for you.
When Hillary made the comment about Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables”, we wore it as a badge of honor. The 2016 election was her answer from the people.
When we are attacked from within, by this O’Kenyan/Bribem invasion. This judge will be in a very bad position, as all the others that aided and abetted this coup d’Etat against our country.
I left the demon party 20 years ago and have suffer NO ILL AFFECTS as yet! Obummer was the cause!
IF you didn’t run away from the low IQ party (of slaves) during the barry boy obama fiasco, (like Tulsi did) I do NOT trust you now. NOT sorry
I hope more Democraps wake up, smell the coffee and leave the party. I left the Democrap party a long time ago. They don’t represent my views at all. One more thing; don’t call us “a basket of deplorables” and “garbage”, then expect us to vote for you.
When Hillary made the comment about Trump supporters as a “basket of deplorables”, we wore it as a badge of honor. The 2016 election was her answer from the people.
Yes, and 2016 was the last time she will ever run for president.