NEWSOM has neglected this beautiful state for years, choosing to work on that greasy hair, and scout out the latest styles in three-piece suits. It’s time for his charmed political career to come to an end. It’s laughable that he thinks he should run for President in 2008. And bottom line, he’s a total jerk …
California just got its Progressivism good and hard. Decades of bone dry tinder with hundred mile an hour winds. Who could have foreseen this, Just about anybody who had ever started a campfire. The economic crippling of the richest State in the Union is not an unintended consequence, it was intended and foreseen to be just what has happened. This is not incompetent malfeasance, this is Criminal sabotage.
I just listened to an old “America’s Got Talent” episode in which some young girl (12 or 13) did a beautiful rendition of “California Dreaming”… and all I could think of was how much California has changed since that song came out in 1965. The dream is now a nightmare and, unfortunately, as a slightly later song records, having checked in, you cannot check out of this nightmare. And where does the blame devolve? Easy – Jerry Brown, Gray Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger (gone RINO), Jerry Brown again, then Gavin Newsom, aided and abetted by a host of corrupt and/or incompetent mayors in San Fran and LA and legislative super-majorities run by the Democratic Party. And it is the rich, elitist neighborhoods of those cities which installed those people, raising an element of karma when we reflect that it is their neighborhoods, in Malibu and Santa Monica and Beverly Hills and Pacific Palisades which are the ones burning. The state’s a mess and is likely to remain a mess for the foreseeable future – and how do I know? Easy, the best thing Trump’s election as President accomplished was to get Ellen Degenerate to leave the country – but, thanks to the prevailing stupidity in LA, she’s now returned (like a dog to its vomit). Good grief. What we really need is a deus ex machina, something like the San Andreas splitting coastal (blue) California off from the mainland and sinking it, along with its inhabitants, in the Pacific Ocean. I pray daily for that result.
The State “might ” survive if we could only separate Los Angeles and San Francisco from the rest of the Cities Of course that will never happen I also pray the new Trump era may change some things for the better and the recent fires have exposed the incompetence , corruption and bad policies that the Libtards have shoved down our throat for years
These fires should force voters in Lost Angeles and Commiefornia to think before pulling the handle. Don’t hold your breath. These people are just plain stupid. They’ve had multiple chances to correct these problems, by voting for conservatives. They refuse to change. You get what you vote for. I feel sorry for the people who voted red, but were outnumbered. My advice to them, escape from Commiefornia. I did.
NEWSOM has neglected this beautiful state for years, choosing to work on that greasy hair, and scout out the latest styles in three-piece suits. It’s time for his charmed political career to come to an end. It’s laughable that he thinks he should run for President in 2008. And bottom line, he’s a total jerk …
California just got its Progressivism good and hard. Decades of bone dry tinder with hundred mile an hour winds. Who could have foreseen this, Just about anybody who had ever started a campfire. The economic crippling of the richest State in the Union is not an unintended consequence, it was intended and foreseen to be just what has happened. This is not incompetent malfeasance, this is Criminal sabotage.
I just listened to an old “America’s Got Talent” episode in which some young girl (12 or 13) did a beautiful rendition of “California Dreaming”… and all I could think of was how much California has changed since that song came out in 1965. The dream is now a nightmare and, unfortunately, as a slightly later song records, having checked in, you cannot check out of this nightmare. And where does the blame devolve? Easy – Jerry Brown, Gray Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger (gone RINO), Jerry Brown again, then Gavin Newsom, aided and abetted by a host of corrupt and/or incompetent mayors in San Fran and LA and legislative super-majorities run by the Democratic Party. And it is the rich, elitist neighborhoods of those cities which installed those people, raising an element of karma when we reflect that it is their neighborhoods, in Malibu and Santa Monica and Beverly Hills and Pacific Palisades which are the ones burning. The state’s a mess and is likely to remain a mess for the foreseeable future – and how do I know? Easy, the best thing Trump’s election as President accomplished was to get Ellen Degenerate to leave the country – but, thanks to the prevailing stupidity in LA, she’s now returned (like a dog to its vomit). Good grief. What we really need is a deus ex machina, something like the San Andreas splitting coastal (blue) California off from the mainland and sinking it, along with its inhabitants, in the Pacific Ocean. I pray daily for that result.
The State “might ” survive if we could only separate Los Angeles and San Francisco from the rest of the Cities Of course that will never happen I also pray the new Trump era may change some things for the better and the recent fires have exposed the incompetence , corruption and bad policies that the Libtards have shoved down our throat for years
These fires should force voters in Lost Angeles and Commiefornia to think before pulling the handle. Don’t hold your breath. These people are just plain stupid. They’ve had multiple chances to correct these problems, by voting for conservatives. They refuse to change. You get what you vote for. I feel sorry for the people who voted red, but were outnumbered. My advice to them, escape from Commiefornia. I did.