Obama & Nancy Pelosi MOVE FORWARD SECOND COUP Against Kamala Harris As Democrat Challenger EMERGES!



I am a white woman. I am voting for a republic not a democracy. I am voting for Trump!!

Im a black woman & im voting for Trump 2024


  1. Black women, black women. Get Your BLM flags and go vote for TRUMP !!!!
    Black women LOVE TRUMP !!!

  2. “She’s the Vice President, of course she’s qualified”
    “She’s the Vice President, she doesn’t really do that much…”
    You in or out, Nancy?
    “Joe Biden thinks she’s the best candidate…”
    Headline: “Pelosi gives Biden ultimatum (about withdrawing from the race)”
    If you’re feeling gaslighted, well, congrats on your perspicacity.

  3. A vote for Harris is a vote for Marxism especially if you want our country to continue to be destroyed by these liberal morons Trump 2024 to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

  4. Obamadick in my opinion is the worst president we have ever had. He is worse than the one that he calls himself our president right now. Obamadick, monkey ears is the one that funded this China virus. He gave them $450 million to fund the virus. So in my opinion, he is worse than any other president there is because of all the millions of people that died because he gave China our worst enemy money to fund a virus that would kill people. He is a disgraced a human kind. Oh that’s right, he’s really not human, he’s a monkey…

      • Absolutely!!! If monkeys could vote, they’d vote Republican…and after voting, being monkeys, they’d throw their poop at Democrats and howl in laughter at voting for hyena.

      • Absolutely!!! If monkeys could vote, they’d vote Republican…and after voting, being monkeys, they’d throw their poop at Democrats and howl in laughter at voting for hyena.

  5. Dopey Joe is getting stabbed in the back by folks whom he thought were his friends. I’m lovin’ it. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. Cackling Kamala is a board certified nutjob. She’s as dumb as a rock. She’s stuck on stupid. She’ll be worse than dopey Joe, if that’s even possible. If you want to vote for our democracy, if you want to vote to save our country, vote for Trump.

  6. I am stunned in a country where the vote of the people picks the candidates, that Kamala Harris wins the candidacy without a single vote. I also do not understand the fairness of an incumbent to assume they cannot be challenged. I would look at the DNC rules to determine if this is covered and if not challenge it. And if it is I would propose it to be changed.

  7. Ther is really something wrong with the Democrats, they took the votes away from people to make their choice of who they want for president. If they will do it to the rest of us. The destruction of our country started with Obama, Biden and Harris is doing their best to finish it


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