NYC Gang Attacks Governor… Outside McDonald’s



How many times a day does this happen to a non famous person and it is never mentioned.

Yet 200 innocent people were assaulted that same day and no one will ever speak their name.


  1. Keep that garbage in NYC. The people voted for this. I feel zero sympathy for them. Defund the police, doesn’t seem to be working. Neither does letting criminals out of jail to commit more crimes. Then, throw the sanctuary city bologna into the mix. Yep New York, you’re screwed. It’s your own fault. Keep voting blue and there will be nothing left.

  2. The former governor isn’t safe in NY City. The cops aren’t safe from being attacked in NY City. What does that say about the rest of us? Cuckoo Kathy Hochul wants to disarm the citizens, making us less safe. You have to jump through hoops to legally own a gun. Yep, the idiot voters voted for this. They keep electing and reelecting liberal Democraps. When will they ever learn?

  3. One more thing; the illegal freeloaders have guns. And they don’t need no stinkin’ pistol permit, nor do they have to register their “illegal” guns.

  4. Makes me sick & burns me! Poverty, single parent households, minority, no future are all the equivalent of toilet paper. Just something to wipe their rear with. I too fit those descriptions. But I had a Mother that would have knocked me into tomorrow, had I ever ran wild! It starts at home. Mothers are allowing the streets to raise their children, while they keep reproducing more future criminals. Society, needs to bring back…hard time. Regardless of age. And bring back Truancy on both the parent & the child.

  5. They have indeed brought it on themselves (the ones who voted dem at least). Unfortunately I think this is a harbinger of what’s to come for the rest of the country.

  6. You betcha, it’s a harbinger of things to come for the rest of the country if we don’t close the border. The illegal freeloaders should be deported asap.

    • You can bank on it if this country is stupid enough to put two lying, commie cowards and traitors in the White house. I am speaking of Cam** Ha***a** and her boy friend the king of cowards Walz.

  7. GEEE You mean he was a Gov and didnt know to ALWAYS go armed OO yea they jail those armed ppl who help the unarmed there dont they Dems love that kind of action is why they want to defund the men in Blue


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