Has anyone noticed the people Trump has picked can stand up and talk, answer questions, make stands, make statements longer than two sentences, know what a woman is?
They spent 10 minutes railing about Trump but only 20 seconds on their retraction
Why are these slandering assholes not dragged into court? A retraction…? NO, no, no. ……. Cash, baby, cold hard cash…Fire them. do something real, for a damn change!!
Every time they are caught lying it should cost them and the network 10 million dollars along with a full retraction.
They tell any lies they want with no consequences.
Kinda’ like the previous “commander-in-chief “ who told us about his days as a driver of an 18-wheeler…. Or, the best lie he told…. Ya ‘ know…. When, years, he repeatedly swore that he would never pardon his crack/cocain/addicted/child denier/ sorry excuse for a man son!!! And, what was Joe’s action as he was leaving the White House for the last time?????? He pardoned his son!! So, you wanna’ talk lies????
Go for it!!!!!