Didn’t Obama flirt with authority when he said he’d like to sit in a basement and run the country through an empty suit? Oh…wait…that’s exactly what happened.
How is Maher, a narcissist with NO responsibility except to himself think like he does??? Because Does he forget how Obama wanted to stay president after 2 terms, IF ONLY, he could do it behind scenes, LIKE HE DID WITH BIDEN!!! And as for Trump be an anarchist, THIS IS AMERICA, you only get 2 terms, and you can’t be an anarchist!!! This is a BS line that the left LOVES to use….Anarchy is the lefts favorite line, except THEY are the ones trying to hold onto power. Look how they pushed Joe Biden out, and did it in an ANTI democratic way!!! The party OVERTHREW the will of the Democrats and put in Kamala, ANOTHER PUPPET FOR OBAMA….SO basically, Obama lost his 4th term
Exactly…I have little tolerance for anything Bill Maher has to say! Dems have burned up all their terminology and need to just keep their lips zipped for quite some time.
They pushed senile, pathetic, dopey ol’ Joe out. They appointed cackling Kammy as the Democrap nominee, without a primary election. For while, she had rock star status, but it didn’t last long. She lost in a landslide, thankfully. Yep, Obummer lost his fourth term.
Most of the time he does not speak in rat*onal terms and/or li-s; I do agree with him sometimes but not during this interview with Gaetz. That is why I never watch his show unless snip-its are on podcasters’s shows.
Gaetz who is very intelligent, humble, speaks the truth, good heart, and articulate, did try to convince / educate him to no avail, as he is quite stubborn and arrogant. In my opinion, I rarely watch snip-its of his show – he does not state facts or he does not know them. Remember S-tan the Devil was an arrogant, narcissist and the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST threw S-tan the D-vil out of heaven to Earth. The reason: the S-tan D-vil believed he was better than God and attempted to usurp God’s throne but failed. The D-vil S-tan is also the father of lies. All who lie are S-tan’s children, unless they admit fault, say they are sorry to God and to others for lying and hurting others – then they repent and change their way and start believing in God and his Son LORD JESUS CHRIST and then they are rewarded everlasting life according to the HOLY SCRIPTURES, THE BIBLE Old & New Testaments which is my faith. I am saved by the blood of Lord Jesus Christ son of God and will receive everlasting life in Heaven after my death. The only truth of God can be found in the Old & New Testament. Lord Jesus Christ is the only truth, the only way to the Father – the only way to Heaven.
Bill Maher has one political objective. Bill Maher. Any of the people who host these shows regardless of party are obsessed with self. It also needs to be said that ANYTHING the left says can almost certainly be turned around on themselves which is why I have zero tolerance anymore to even listen to his drunk hot air. Who the hell cares what Bill Maher says? He gave away his entire secret in that clip when he paused when Gaetz said something Bill couldn’t counter. “You’re smarter than I thought.” He assumed he was unintelligent by news clips from CNN and msnbc and/or because he was republican. The reason so many hate trump is bc he’s also smart. Bc he can’t be bought with money, or for power, or for fame bc he’s already had it. People like Maher know that the more citizens like trump out there compared to citizens like Harris or Biden, the harder his job is to have influence. Same reason every leftwing politician hates trump. If someone can do their job off the street better than the people doing it for 40 years and without having to do all the dirty deeds that comes with being a career politician than their very livelihood is at risk. It scares them. Not bc they care about democracy or their people. They care about their power. Period
How is Maher, a narcissist with NO responsibility except to himself think like he does??? Because Does he forget how Obama wanted to stay president after 2 terms, IF ONLY, he could do it behind scenes, LIKE HE DID WITH BIDEN!!! And as for Trump be an anarchist, THIS IS AMERICA, you only get 2 terms, and you can’t be an anarchist!!! This is a BS line that the left LOVES to use….Anarchy is the lefts favorite line, except THEY are the ones trying to hold onto power. Look how they pushed Joe Biden out, and did it in an ANTI democratic way!!! The party OVERTHREW the will of the Democrats and put in Kamala, ANOTHER PUPPET FOR OBAMA….SO basically, Obama lost his 4th term
Exactly…I have little tolerance for anything Bill Maher has to say! Dems have burned up all their terminology and need to just keep their lips zipped for quite some time.
They pushed senile, pathetic, dopey ol’ Joe out. They appointed cackling Kammy as the Democrap nominee, without a primary election. For while, she had rock star status, but it didn’t last long. She lost in a landslide, thankfully. Yep, Obummer lost his fourth term.
Most of the time he does not speak in rat*onal terms and/or li-s; I do agree with him sometimes but not during this interview with Gaetz. That is why I never watch his show unless snip-its are on podcasters’s shows.
Gaetz who is very intelligent, humble, speaks the truth, good heart, and articulate, did try to convince / educate him to no avail, as he is quite stubborn and arrogant. In my opinion, I rarely watch snip-its of his show – he does not state facts or he does not know them. Remember S-tan the Devil was an arrogant, narcissist and the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST threw S-tan the D-vil out of heaven to Earth. The reason: the S-tan D-vil believed he was better than God and attempted to usurp God’s throne but failed. The D-vil S-tan is also the father of lies. All who lie are S-tan’s children, unless they admit fault, say they are sorry to God and to others for lying and hurting others – then they repent and change their way and start believing in God and his Son LORD JESUS CHRIST and then they are rewarded everlasting life according to the HOLY SCRIPTURES, THE BIBLE Old & New Testaments which is my faith. I am saved by the blood of Lord Jesus Christ son of God and will receive everlasting life in Heaven after my death. The only truth of God can be found in the Old & New Testament. Lord Jesus Christ is the only truth, the only way to the Father – the only way to Heaven.
Bill Maher has one political objective. Bill Maher. Any of the people who host these shows regardless of party are obsessed with self. It also needs to be said that ANYTHING the left says can almost certainly be turned around on themselves which is why I have zero tolerance anymore to even listen to his drunk hot air. Who the hell cares what Bill Maher says? He gave away his entire secret in that clip when he paused when Gaetz said something Bill couldn’t counter. “You’re smarter than I thought.” He assumed he was unintelligent by news clips from CNN and msnbc and/or because he was republican. The reason so many hate trump is bc he’s also smart. Bc he can’t be bought with money, or for power, or for fame bc he’s already had it. People like Maher know that the more citizens like trump out there compared to citizens like Harris or Biden, the harder his job is to have influence. Same reason every leftwing politician hates trump. If someone can do their job off the street better than the people doing it for 40 years and without having to do all the dirty deeds that comes with being a career politician than their very livelihood is at risk. It scares them. Not bc they care about democracy or their people. They care about their power. Period