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Reminder: Maddow argued in court as a defense that she is not a journalist.
Hey morning joe. Tell maddow to GFY…
She is correct. She is NO journalist; she is a carpet –ncher and that is what got her a job. She’d get more work if she got a penile transplant and became a trani… Those freaks get more rhythm in the media.
And FYI…. here is a question for ya’ll. What did Adolph Hitler do that was a good thing, and was even copied here in the States? He was the one who pushed for the Autobon Highway to be built in Germany, after the Bohn-Cologne Highway was stopped, he continued the project and it is still a no-speed-limit highway in use today….. Dwight Eisenhower took up the baton and started to lay out the Interstate Highway system here in the States. I-80, E-70, I-25 so…. even crazy, evil bastards can have a smattering of sanity and maybe a plausible idea once in a while. Not supporting the evil done by evil folks, but………… just sayin’