Kennedy Reveals Shocking ‘Fraud’ That’s Seen ‘Dead People’ Receive Money From The Federal Government



This is what happens when you are allowed to spend someone else’s money without accountability .

THIS IS NO SURPRISE, the surprise is hearing a politician talk about it! Thank you Senator Kennedy!


  1. The corruption in our government is coming to light big time and this is why we have people up in arms trying to stop it,the harder they cry the more guilty they are

  2. With all due respect, if Social Security has a Master list of dead people and is still sending out checks for a total of $1.4 billion to dead people, just how valuable is this “list” and why share it???????

  3. WE want to know who is the mastermind behind this corruption . This is what happened no audit no accountability the people managing can abuse their power . It is going on for many decades. We the workers contributed our hard earned money ,

  4. I have been paying into SSA Social security for 55 years now, even when the USMC said we weren’t. I did not give any politician my permission to spend my money on anything that I did not benefit me personally.

  5. Dead people getting social security checks shouldn’t surprise anybody, I mean look, dead people have been voting for democrats for decades !

    • And the Frigidaire/Hotpoint Freezer Company probably sold quite a bit of those long basement models. And if you had mom or dad in the house with one of those, as long as the SS Check was direct deposit, you didn’t need a “living will”. As long as the power didn’t go off, they’ed live forever. But now I guess the authorities will be going to sons and daughters wanting to see 120-150 year-old parents and ask “how they are doing”? If not at home, they will show a subpoena and go look in the Frigidaire and try to wake them up! I bet they are down under all those bags of frozen vegetable and Green Giant Broccoli and Cheese boxes? I just hope Uncle Sam recoups our money and it goes back to WE THE PEOPLE. and many crooks go to jail or on a scaffold and participate in “The Longest Neck Stretching Contest” this country ever had!


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