Kamala’s Campaign CRUMBLING: Jack Smith Now FRANTIC As Cases Destroyed!



I won’t breathe easy until Trump is in the White House

Keep President Trump safe at all times .


  1. If they invite illegal foreigners than they should have had a plan to pay for this! Social security is a earned benefit and with the boomers now retiring there not enough funds for boomers and foreigners!

  2. Kevin you are being lied to, because that is what cult leaders do, they rule over you and always keep you scared, and all they do is feed you lie after lie, and they terrify you. The real truth is: the billionaires and the super millionaires, are the greedy ones that never ever have enough money never. They use their wealth to bribe ( they call it lobbying) the top politicians by granting them more and more tax cuts, so they keep every dollar and not pay a percentage of their income like all of us Americans do.EXAMPLE. I am a driver that pays 45% of my income in taxes and fees for the Federal government, the state government, and local government too.The billionaires pay 12%. The illegal foreigners you speak about are desperate human beings that come to our shores for a slightly better life for them and their kids.our nation give some of them who qualify a very small amout of money to sustain them from being total destitute until they can find work to sustain them. They are the most hardworking people anywhere, because they accept any kind of work regardless of the extreme conditions and the dangerous work they do. All thee money assistance they get from our government, they immediately spend it on their basis needs.FOOD& SHELTER. That immediately stimulate our own economy because it creates Jobs for our food workers, clothing workers, and individual landlord that rents them apartments and rooms to rent. Our economy gets stronger when we spend money , Yes they are immigrants, but they work hard to become eventually citizens of this nation. Most famous immigrants Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and earlier RONALD REAGAN, parents from Ireland. The bottom line our billionaires greed that is destroying our economy, and a Smart Republican president once said GIVING THE BILLIONAIRES TAX CUTS IN THE HOPE THAT THE WEALTH WILL TRICKLE DOWN, PRESIDENT BUSH CALLED IT VOODOO ECONOMICS.

    • Elias. You must be a FOOL!!!!
      You’re being lied to. Wonder what the DUMBASSCRATS have done to make it better on MIDDLE CLASS. Probably has to do with TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS that the DUMBASSCRATS have allowed to happen. But claim to have fixed it. Billionaires will always be Billionaires. No matter how you tax them.

      Sounds like might be living in mommy and daddy’s basement.

      • Oh Earnest T Bass, you drank the KoolAid….

        I used to work for a millionaire-owned company (Republican) that had a warehouse staffed by poorly paid illegal workers. They got taxed like all of us do, but with a yearly, new, fake Social Security number, they would never get a penny toward retirement. So they were helping out all of us who have Social Security.

    • Thanks for speaking out but the Illegals send hundreds of millions of dollars every month to foreigners. 40% of Mexico’s GNP is money from America just being sent to Mexicans, and the criminal cartels take innocent people hostage to force their relatives to send money to Mexicans as well. Anyone can go to WalMart and send money to Mexico even if you are doing it because you are being extorted. Americans get nothing. Nothing. Illegals get $2 Trillion dollars/year in benefits. Not OK. Not at all.

  3. You are the one being lied to everyday of f you believe that they are not getting Hugh handouts and free shelter for a month. You are also being lied to if you believe that illegal immigrants are helping by robbing and stealing and raping our Americans. They are illegal the people you said at the end of your rant came into this country legally. Just get your facts straight.

  4. Cackling Kammy’s campaign is crumbling? That’s wonderful news. Illegal aliens get free shelter, free food, free medical care, and free money in the form of prepaid debit cards. Then they rob, steal, assault and rape Americans. They have no respect for our country, our laws, or for us. They should be deported pronto.

  5. Illegal aliens have killed Americans too. These Americans would be alive if not for dopey Joe’s open border. Dopey Joe has blood on his hands. So, what does he do? He goes on one vacation after another. Well, he’ll go on a permanent vacation on 20 January. Good riddance.

  6. If you think the democrats are going to help you, you are a fool. If Kamala gets in the White House you will be taxed into bankruptcy. She is the same as Joe and the rest of the socialist democrat party. Rich keep getting richer because they trickle down the tax to the people who buy their product or service. If they are taxed more they charge more to pay it that is what trickle down means not like what the democrats are saying it is….


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