We are fighting for a Democracy! says the person nobody voted for.

If she wins, this country is done.


  1. She’s going to get this country fixed. On Day 1 she’s going to do a BLITZKRIEG attack, on the border, the economy, getting Ukraine to cut back on our money she and Bribem have been paying to keep their government and retirement benefits going, and possibly adopting them as the 51st State. But wait? Why didn’t she and Joe do this in January 2021? Oh, they were too busy trying to collapse our auto industry with the Chines Electric Car, collapsing Afghanistan, bringing 120,000 Afghans here that never helped our troops, spending $8Billion on 8 Electric Vehicle Chargers. And the biggest accomplishment: Bringing 113,799 rapists and murderers into the country with 456,000 illegals our money paid to secretly fly them here, so they weren’t counted with the Chinese Army with Iranian hit teams out to get President Trump. And they’ve caused me to become a vegetarian because I can no longer afford steak in the grocery store. America, we can’t afford this Diz Bang signing Executive Orders for Barrack O’Kenyan like Mr MaGoo did. And to think of Elmer Fudd at bat!

    • 100% true
      and that what the democrats obama another 4 years, want,
      and talk democracy will they need to look and read and comprehend the meaning, for they are the dicators, want to control you,
      and her freedom crap is bullshlt, we have freedom, and you going to take it away,
      and we will be at war

  2. Cackling Kammy’s two functioning brain cells malfunctioned? Duh. Kammy never fixed the border and she never will. The illegal freeloaders will keep pouring in here by the millions. This is a slow, wanton, deliberate destruction of America.

  3. Please be ADVISeD: IF Kamala gets to be President, SHE will not be the President, she will be the Talking Head and behind the GREEN CURTAIN will be Obama, as a THREE term and 4 term President de facto. HARRIS will be a Head.
    “References to the passage of time” Karl Marx


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