Kamala Harris BUSTED Staging Photo Op At The Border As Border Patrol DROPS DEVASTATING News!



Her only policy is just too badmouth Trump that’s it

What about her flying and bussing them in ???? That’s DJT’S fault too???


  1. If Ukraine’s bloated package was not added to the border security bill, it may have have had a chance if intending to secure the border. I am still remembering the caravan that showed up at the border in Biden/Harris t-shirts.

  2. I wonder who had those Bribem/Harris shirts made-up and who issued them? Were they included in the registration fee? Everyone in our government or working for our government is part of this illegal invasion and should be in Leavenworth.

    • Not everyone working for the government agrees with what’s going on at the border. In fact, most Border Patrol agents don’t.

  3. …besides Biden/Harris promises of amnesty, a fast road to citizenship, welfare, down payments, tuition as Americans are hurting on the tax payers’ dime. She went to an AZ port of entry which is not where the illegals are “sneaking” in. Biden/Harris. She’s as phony as a wooden nickel. She went down there because she was pressured to. It was also a photo op for her. Save America and vote Trump/Vance 2024!!!

  4. So what they have been doing IS there way of handling things Sounds like you have it right She is a Lier But then All dems are

  5. Lynette, you’re falling for the scare tactics the Democraps put out to try to justify pouring billions of our dollars into Ukraine. Ukraine is not our fight. It has nothing to do with us. Let Europe defend Ukraine – if they think it’s worth it. (It isn’t). We need to pick and choose our battles carefully. No one elected us to be the world’s policeman.

  6. Lynette, the Ukraine “package” is also bankrupting our country. America has a $35 trillion deficit. How long can this continue before the US dollar crashes? No country has successfully printed its way out of debt.

  7. So Lynette these jobs not only result in deaths overseas – but the ultimate bankruptcy of the U.S. Get another job because you have sold yourself to the devil.


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