Keep it up… this will send his approval rating through the roof
So, the judge and his family have a financial interest in the outcome of the trial, and the appeals court stays silent. Enjoy your lawfare NYC. It all ends January 20th.
Blatant prejudice has no place in our judicial system, yet a judge like Merchan openly persecutes a defendant with whom he has political disagreement, and utilizes his power to punish, simply for the pleasure of doing so. The fact that appeals courts would allow this to occur is even more troublesome and indicative not only of gross judicial misconduct in a judge, but an overall collapse of the judicial system… least in New York.
A jury of his peers made decision.not the judge.
Wrong. He his peerless, especially among corrupt New Yawkas.
I am not in the least bothered by Trump being falsely called a Felon…….
I am enraged and would love to gut those who so label him, however.
Merchant to be reassigned to Traffic court, LOL.
Hey this was a cash machine for him and his daughter as well
and got his name in lights! For now that is : ( see how he
I say that Judge Merchan and his Skank Daughter both can go FiretrUCK themselves both are soon to be sent to Prison !
Unethical and unprofessional, Merchan should face review and reprimanded for judicial misconduct and his judgement is so questionable, he should be removed from the bench and fined for such a poor performance of his duties as a jurist. A disgraceful embarrassment.