Hello today I’m 13 months sober thank you Russell great content

Hello today I’m 13 months sober thank you Russell great content


  1. Ukraine was always part of Russia. Cut the funding for this senseless war and do it now. This war is helping to bankrupt America. There’s nothing in it for us. Do we want a proxy war with Russia over Ukraine? Hell no.

  2. The guest on Joe Rogan show is accurate. Democratically elected by the citizens Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in 2014. It was done by C-A / Ob-ma by staging a coup as explained by Joe Rogaine’s guest. In Ukra-ne: 90% of population are ethically Russian. Zel-nsky by C-A to make it a law to have the Russians refrain from speaking Russian at home or in their churches. Some churches who refused this were shut down by Ukrainia Zelensky. NOTE: Both Russia and Ukraine use the same Cyrillic alphabet (character letters). Ukraine and Russian: share the same language with dslightly different dialects, same religion Eastern Orthodox (OLD SLAVONIC during church services and individual dialects at home, same food, same folk music, same folk style costumes. But Zelensky stated that the Russian dialect could not be spoken in churches nor homes – some churches refused and they were closed. So the Ukrainians in the eastern regions complained and wanted secession. Zelensky is the stooge – this former untalented comedian had a Ukrainian TV sitcom that he was on target to be fired from. So the CIA asked Zelensky to be President and Zelensky understandably said yes so he is the puppet or B$%^) wh-re of Obama/Biden so Biden had the opportunity to get involved with his son in B-risma – corruption, greed, lies garnered the Bidens multi-millions in profit. Note: Zelensky is a communist atheist (family born into Judaism but never practiced.). As a communist atheist, Zelensky does not believe in free speech, freedom of religion/churches to practice as they believe is right Russian Orthodox churches prefer the Russian Dialect in Ukraine. Note: Putin is Christian Russian Orthodox, has faith, and wears a cross when wearing casual shirts so he believes in freedom of religion, speech, etc – similar to the US constitution.

  3. You’re right. Zelensky is a stooge. He canceled elections in Ukraine because of the war. Therefore, he doesn’t want the war to end because he’ll get voted out. He’s fighting the war with other countries weapons and money (mainly ours). Cut him off.


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