Joe Biden JUST did the STUPIDEST THING! Trump is FURIOUS!!



Stop making excuses for EVIL people . They are willing to end the world because they are losing their power

This was not incompetence. This was deliberate betrayal of we the people.


  1. The lame idiot biden needs to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY. He is casually making moves that can put us into World War III. Trump needs intervene before things get out of hand, someone pushes the red button, and WE COULD BE DEVASTATED. This fool is out of his mind, and should NOT be sitting in The Oval Office. This is going from a situation to a world crisis.

  2. You must be crazy. Trump has made the US the laughing stock of the world. How he ever got re-elected is a mystery to me. Let Biden help his son because he has been treated like crap. Don’t blame him at all.
    You will see what A-hole Trump Tramp does to us. AND I am not even a democrat.

  3. Ted, where have you been? What planet do you spend most of your time on? Bidet has made America the laughing stock of the world. Everything he did is to the detriment of America. Now he’s giving the middle finger to Trump. Trump has every right to be pissed. That angry, senile, vindictive old curmudgeon (Bidet) will start WW3 before Trump takes office. Trump won because he will fix the messes Bidet has made. Some of it cannot be fixed.

    • Jan..very well stated!!! Hunter is the most privileged human being on this planet!! If his daddy weren’t POTUS, the “prodigal son’ would be sitting in jail!! Rewarding bad behavior ensures continued bad behavior!! Joe has enabled his son, Hunter, to demonstrate one bad behavior after another!Check back over the last several years…to count how many times Joe said “I will not pardon my son”….yet another huge lie uttered from the mouth of the man who, most probably, will go down in history as one of the worst (if not THE worst presidents) in our country!! When his tenure is over, (not soon enough) he can go back to one of his “stated” former jobs….driving an 18 wheeler!!!

  4. Jocelyn, I agree. A commoner would be in jail by now. Hunter isn’t because he’s Bidet’s son. Hunter had high priced lawyers and a plea deal worked out. He’d plead guilty and get no jail time, but the judge didn’t buy it. Bidet said he’d NEVER pardon his son, but no one believed it. Now he pardoned him. He pardoned him for the previous 10 years. That means he can’t be prosecuted for all the money he got from Ukraine, nor can he be prosecuted for lying on a federal gun questionnaire. “No one is above the law”? Baloney.

  5. Bidet burped that he drove an 18 wheeler. He was a star football quarterback. He also was a liaison for Golda Meir in Israel. None of this is true. It’s all poppycock. Pure BS and malarkey.


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